My cancer marker numbers went up dramatically for four months in a row, and my oncologist said it was time to do something different. She recommended I take either Ibrance or Megace. If I started to take either of these drugs, I would be making that decision out of fear.

My intuition told me to give something more natural a chance. I saw my oncologist at the end of January and told her I was stopping the Arimidex, and not starting any new drugs for 3 months. I want to see what will happen to my cancer marker if I put more attention and intention into focusing on the terrain and creating more health in my body. She agreed with my plan as long as we would continue to monitor my progress with blood tests and PET scans.

I’m refocusing on the 9 strategies that Kelly Ann Turner, PhD, identified in her book, Radical Remission. These are the 9 factors that all of the people she interviewed had used before their spontaneous remissions from cancer.

Nine key factors for Radical Remission:

• Radically changing your diet
• Taking control of your health
• Following your intuition
• Using herbs and supplements
• Releasing suppressed emotions
• Increasing positive emotions
• Embracing social support
• Deepening your spiritual connection
• Having strong reasons for living

I had an emotional healing session that started with talking about what was happening in my life the 2 years before my original cancer diagnosis. I had dealt with that question before because I’ve heard that there is often an emotional event that precipitated cancer by about two years. Two years before my diagnosis I had let my 10-year-old son, Brian, go live with his father. This was a complex and painful decision.

After talking about this in my healing session, I felt it was time to have a conversation with Brian about what had happened 33 years ago (he’s now 43). We both expressed feelings that had been underground all this time. It was a difficult conversation and brought up some pain for me, but it also lifted a burden. I think this is what is meant by releasing suppressed emotions (one of the 9 strategies in Radical Remission).

I’m also following some nutritional and supplement recommendations from the book, Cancer and the New Biology of Water, by Thomas Cowan, MD.

I had a blood test after only 10 days on my new “plan” and my cancer marker numbers went down by almost 600. The previous month they went up by 1,000. Seems like I’m moving in the right direction.

I also met with my Naturopathic Doctor and am going to start IV Mistletoe treatment later this week. I had a good result from using Mistletoe treatment in 2006, but it was subcutaneous injections. Recent research has shown the IV treatments to be more effective.

I’m having a “baseline” PET scan today so we can monitor what happens to my cancer after my three months of upping the ante on the nine key factors for radical remission. So far my body seems to be supporting this decision.