This is the season to express gratitude, spend time with loved ones, wish each other peace and joy in the holiday season, and make our end-of-year donations to non-profits we care about.

I am grateful for the exciting year Healing Journeys has had. We offered our final Cancer as a Turning Point conference in September. I have loved the conferences we have offered for the past 25 years, AND the conference has accomplished its purpose. It introduced over 25,000 people to whole-person integrative healing. Many conference centers now have integrative departments, and the resources on the internet are abundant for hearing speakers on various aspects of healing.

What those of us living with cancer need and want now is more in-depth exploration of what we can do to create a terrain in our bodies not conducive to the growth of cancer. Healing Journeys is planning to create some opportunities for us to meet in smaller groups to do that. Some of the things we are planning for 2019 include:

  • Taking our Intuition workshop on the road into new locations.
  • Offering either a workshop or retreat to share the powerful new information available on the subject of nutrition and cancer (including intermittent fasting and a ketogenic diet).
  • Continue to add resources to our YouTube page. (We have just posted Terri Tate’s presentation from the 2018 conference; the link is in the News section, below.)
  • Movie night in Sacramento — on the second Monday of the month, starting January 14th.

We plan to send you a link to the movie we will be sharing so you can watch it wherever you are. The advantage of watching it in a group is that we can also learn from each other, and support each other in implementing some of the healing strategies into our lives. I will send you details about our first movie night in early January.

I am ending 2018 with much gratitude. I am grateful to be celebrating 25 years of the meaningful career I have experienced with Healing Journeys. I am especially grateful for the people I have met who are now part of my extended support group. I really feel like we are all in this together. It is often difficult for me to separate myself from Healing Journeys. I am an information junkie, searching for new strategies for creating health, both for myself, and to share with my extended support group. I don’t know if I can say I’m grateful for all aspects of living with cancer for 29 years, but there have definitely been silver linings. Without cancer, I wouldn’t have met most of you. I am grateful for our connection.

I appreciate your support of me and Healing Journeys — past, present, and future. We still need your help. As you are making your end-of-year donations, thank you for including Healing Journeys. A big thank you to those of you who have already donated to Healing Journeys in this giving season.
I wish you joy, wonder, and peace in this holiday season. And I look forward to exploring more ways we can support healing, activate hope, and promote thriving in 2019.

As always, I welcome your comments; to reply please click here.

In the Spirit of Healing,

Jan Adrian's signature
Jan Adrian, MSW
Founder and Executive Director