This is our last eNewsletter of 2017 and I want to share with you my gratitude as well as share several Richard Rohr quotes which I am finding meaningful this holiday season. Fr. Richard Rohr is a Franciscan priest and brother, and the author of many books. He said, “When you’re in your mind, you’re hardly ever at peace, and when you’re at peace, you’re never only in your mind.”
Of course I am applying this quote to how I am living with cancer. It seems like once one is diagnosed with cancer, everything is experienced through that filter. As my cancer marker numbers have been going up the past few months, it’s my mind that defaults into worry. My mind doesn’t take me to the love, joy, and peace that we wish each other during this season. It’s helpful for me to remember, to truly experience these emotions, it’s necessary to engage my heart.
This is the season of less external light and more encouragement to go inward to find our own personal source of inspiration and light. I shared at the beginning of this year that my word for 2017 would be Gratitude. My mind can be useful to think of the many things I am grateful for, and the feeling is stirred in my heart. It’s easy and natural to move from feeling gratitude to feeling love, joy, and peace.
As Healing Journeys will celebrate our 25th anniversary next year, I am feeling grateful for the gifts Healing Journeys has given me – 25 years of meaningful work in creating and offering programs for anyone touched by cancer. I am grateful for all I have learned through our programs, but especially grateful for the people I have met, the support I have felt, and the love I have experienced.
When I was first diagnosed with cancer, I couldn’t find a support group, and I felt very much alone. After 25 years of being involved with Healing Journeys, I know I am not alone. I know that it’s in facing our challenges that we dig deeper to find the peace that is possible, no matter the external circumstances. Again, in the words of Richard Rohr, “The journey to happiness involves finding the courage to go down into ourselves and take responsibility for what’s there: all of it.“
This holiday season, my wish for all of us is that we will take the time and make the effort to access our inner light, feel our connectedness, and know that we are all in this together. Thank you for being part of the support network that sustains and inspires me.
I know there are many requests for your year-end donations, and I thank you for including Healing Journeys in your end-of-year giving. Your tax-deductible donations will help us offer a free conference in 2018, and will provide information, hope, encouragement, laughter, and connection to people touched by cancer.

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One more quote from Fr. Rohr — “There is a part of you that is Love itself, and that is what we must fall into. It is already there. Once you move your identity to that level of deep inner contentment, you will realize you are drawing upon a Life that is much larger than your own and from a deeper abundance.”
As always, I welcome your comments; to reply please click here.
In the Spirit of Healing,
Jan Adrian, MSW
Founder and Executive Director
Ever since I have known you, Jan,I believe you have embodied this quote that you shared:
“There is a part of you that is Love itself, and that is what we must fall into. It is already there. Once you move your identity to that level of deep inner contentment, you will realize you are drawing upon a Life that is much larger than your own and from a deeper abundance.”
You, and the work you do, are an important part of my gratitudes for 2017. I hold you in love and light with a vision of perfect healing.
Jan, Once again your heart wisdom comes through loud and clear (with a little help from the Franciscans!) Thank you for all you have given to the rest of us these past 25 years: love, spirit and truth.
Dear Jan,
I am sorry to hear that your cancer numbers have increased and how difficult it must be for you to feel any positivity. I wonder if it would help for you to view “How the Universe Was Made”, a past series on the Science Channel. These programs instill a magnificent sense of wonder and awe of the tremendous power of the Universe which extends to and inhabits everything and everywhere, from the vast grandeur of the galaxies to the infinitely minute particles, including our very cells. When you feel disheartened or conflicted, breathe in this power of the Universe, welcome it deep within every part of your being. Breathe out with a grateful “Thank you, I know your power is within me. I trust your power to work within me. I thank you for your power in creating me.” Repeat as many times as it takes until you can feel yourself relax totally into the power that surrounds; you should feel no effort on your part. Your complete and total surrender will draw the magical power of the Universe to help you heal. Breathe out (an extended exhale) every time you feel any tension or worry. Releasing this tension is important to enable the power of the Universe to work within your cells. We, human beings, are so accustomed to “being in charge”. But how can we even come close to the power of the Universe? Can we even make the air that we breathe? No, but the Universe can and does. The Universe is the master designer and as such, it is also the master trouble shooter. Breathe – out, long and slow, relax, soften your being – and allow the Universe to enter and heal you. Bless you and be well. The way to happiness is to know that the Universe and all its powers inhabit every cell in YOU. You ARE the Universe!
Dear Jan-
Your thoughts & writings are so inspiring. Bless you for all you have done & for all you do. Because it does so much for us, who are all struggling with some sort of issue. Keep up your sharing blogs. Sending love & strength to you, with gratitude, Pat