3 months already?

It’s hard to believe it’s been three months since I posted to my blog. When every day is pretty much the same, and I’m not traveling, it’s easy to lose track of time. I had my quarterly blood tests at the beginning of December and most of my numbers look like a...

Which Numbers Matter?

When I last posted here, I commented that getting outside every day was helping me maintain my sanity. If that were true, I might now be insane. The smoke is so heavy in California (and all along the West Coast) that going outside is not an option. My windows have...

Feed Fire of Aliveness

Since I’m having my cancer marker blood tests quarterly instead of monthly, I don’t have information on what is happening with my cancer. But I want to write about what is happening in life. The hard stop that Covid has delivered and all the divisiveness around it is...

Big Questions

Sometimes I feel guilty that I have lived with cancer for over 30 years. Dawn had triple negative breast cancer and fought hard for 3 years. She passed away last week. She gave it her all, emotionally and financially. She knew more about her cancer, and both...

I’m Optimistic

Life has changed dramatically since I last wrote in my blog just over a month ago. Even though the Coronavirus is getting most of the attention, cancer is still a looming reality for many of us, and that’s the focus of my blog. In my last post I said I would be doing...

“Radical Remission” Revisited

My cancer marker numbers went up dramatically for four months in a row, and my oncologist said it was time to do something different. She recommended I take either Ibrance or Megace. If I started to take either of these drugs, I would be making that decision out of...