Delighted to be Waiting

When the cancer marker in my July blood test jumped up, my oncologist ordered a PET scan to see what was causing the increase. The PET scan in August showed progression of cancer in my lungs. She recommended getting a lung biopsy and sending it to Foundations One lab...

Not Bad or Good

A friend recently informed me that Tara Brach (a prominent meditation teacher) had quoted me in a podcast. Eager to find out what I had said that was worth quoting, I listened to the podcast. The podcast was called “Shifting from Limbic to Liberating Intention.” She...

Angst of Waiting for Test Results

I used to have blood tests monthly, including a cancer-marker number. I would feel anxious every month waiting for the results and wondering what my cancer was doing. Once Covid changed our lives, my oncologist recommended I have my tests every three months. I noticed...

3 months already?

It’s hard to believe it’s been three months since I posted to my blog. When every day is pretty much the same, and I’m not traveling, it’s easy to lose track of time. I had my quarterly blood tests at the beginning of December and most of my numbers look like a...

Which Numbers Matter?

When I last posted here, I commented that getting outside every day was helping me maintain my sanity. If that were true, I might now be insane. The smoke is so heavy in California (and all along the West Coast) that going outside is not an option. My windows have...

Feed Fire of Aliveness

Since I’m having my cancer marker blood tests quarterly instead of monthly, I don’t have information on what is happening with my cancer. But I want to write about what is happening in life. The hard stop that Covid has delivered and all the divisiveness around it is...