Progression Again

My breast cancer has been metastatic in my lungs since 2011. Since it has recently been progressing, I have been looking for what other treatments I can do that might make a difference. I went to San Diego to get Autonomic Response Testing (ART) done by Dr. Michael...

The Cancer Whisperer

I can’t believe it’s been 5 months since I’ve written in this Blog. The last time I wrote, I had had a biopsy of the cancer in my lungs and I was waiting for a response from Foundations One (lab that tests a cancer’s responsiveness to different chemo drugs) as to what...

Delighted to be Waiting

When the cancer marker in my July blood test jumped up, my oncologist ordered a PET scan to see what was causing the increase. The PET scan in August showed progression of cancer in my lungs. She recommended getting a lung biopsy and sending it to Foundations One lab...

Not Bad or Good

A friend recently informed me that Tara Brach (a prominent meditation teacher) had quoted me in a podcast. Eager to find out what I had said that was worth quoting, I listened to the podcast. The podcast was called “Shifting from Limbic to Liberating Intention.” She...

Angst of Waiting for Test Results

I used to have blood tests monthly, including a cancer-marker number. I would feel anxious every month waiting for the results and wondering what my cancer was doing. Once Covid changed our lives, my oncologist recommended I have my tests every three months. I noticed...

3 months already?

It’s hard to believe it’s been three months since I posted to my blog. When every day is pretty much the same, and I’m not traveling, it’s easy to lose track of time. I had my quarterly blood tests at the beginning of December and most of my numbers look like a...

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