Some of you have asked what I have done to slow down the growth of the tumor in the past year, and I think it has been mostly diet and supplements. I want to share just a few examples of changes I have made in my diet and supplements, based on what I learned in the Cancer-Fighting Kitchen workshop. Maybe the most important thing I have learned is that we don’t all require the same nutrients for health. There are many deficiencies or things out of balance that can lead to cancer, and I need to test my body before I know what it needs.

There is a strong correlation between inflammation and cancer, and between Vitamin D deficiency and cancer. I have checked my Inflammation Level (C Reactive Protein blood test), and Vitamin D (also a blood test). Jeanne Wallace says the CRP should be lower than 1.0. When I first had mine tested, it was 4.0. After taking supplements (Zyflamend, Curcumin, and Bromelain) to lower inflammation, it is now 0.1.

Jeanne recommends a Vitamin D level of 60 to 80. When first tested, mine was in the 30’s. After several months of taking 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D a day, it was up to 65. I have maintained it at about 65 by continuing to take 2,000 IU of Vitamin D a day, and spending 15 minutes a day in the sun, when it’s possible.

When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I started eating a low-fat vegetarian diet because that’s what so many of the “experts” said was good for me. After 12 years of that and having annual recurrences of cancer, I learned that for my metabolic type (, I need to eat meat and healthy fats.

I learned from Jeanne that the research showing that meat was instrumental in causing cancer was all done using commercially raised meat in the US. These feed-lot cows are fed corn which isn’t their natural diet. Eating the meat of these animals contributes to omega-6 fatty acids in my diet. The same research done in Europe, using grass-fed/pastured meat, showed that it led to omega-3 fatty acids, and actually protects me from getting cancer. I try to include grass-fed/pastured meat, poultry, dairy, or eggs in every meal.

It’s easy to do when I’m cooking at home, but not always possible when I eat in a restaurant. I’m grateful that is changing and many of the better restaurants (at least on the West Coast) are starting to use pastured meats and dairy products from pastured cows. When that quality isn’t available in a restaurant, I choose a vegetarian meal.

The Standard American Diet is heavy in omega-6 fatty acids. A body inhospitable to cancer requires an improved omega-6:3 ratio. To get that balance into my diet, I include:
Cod liver oil
Grass-fed/pastured meat, poultry, dairy, eggs
Cold-water fish
Black walnuts, flaxseeds

I avoid vegetable oils (olive oil is great), margarine, commercially-raised meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs.

This is just a small sample of the information that feels empowering to me. More next week.