Dear Friends,

Our free Cancer as a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving™ conference in Napa Valley last month reinforced for me why we do what we do. It was such a valuable experience for the 500 people who attended. I want to share a couple of comments with you to give you a flavor of the responses.

Incredibly well balanced & integrated. It hit all the important places: body, soul, emotion, spirit, the arts. Amazing.

Felt very welcomed and safe! Lot’s of compassion. An emotional & cleansing day! Thanks.

This month we are offering two reviews. One of them is of a new DVD created by Gary Malkin and introduced at the conference. The other is a book by Karen Drucker whose music has been a part of our conferences for years. If you aren’t familiar with her music, you can listen to a sample here.

We have changed the format of our monthly eNewsletter to include only one feature. Last month we sent a Healing Story. Next month I will be bringing you a Director’s Reflections. We hope you enjoy this month’s reviews of “recommendations for inspiration.” We appreciate any comments you may have about the new format. Please leave a reply below.

In the spirit of healing,
Jan Adrian's signature
Jan Adrian, MSW
Founder and Executive Director

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