Thank you to the many who expressed concern and offered prayers after my last blog post. I have continued on the protocol I described in that blog with some minor tweaks. I have stopped taking Ibrance. After three weeks on the new protocol from Dr. Bricca, my cancer marker numbers (CA27.29) went down by 800. Something seemed to be making a difference, and it wasn’t Ibrance.

The next blood test I had a month later went in the opposite direction. Numbers went up again. I’ve been on this roller coaster a long time, and so it continues. I will be meeting with both my oncologist and my Naturopathic Doctor in the next two weeks and will see what comes next.

I have also taken a training in Ascension Meditation and am doing my best to practice it for 20 minutes twice a day. Since healing only happens when the body is in the parasympathetic state, I am using meditation to help me get there.

I just finished reading Cured, by Jeffrey Rediger, MD, and I think it has helped improve my attitude and beliefs, and given me the extra inspiration I needed. I highly recommend it. I am signed up to take a weekend webinar with him and Dr. Lissa Rankin, called The Mysteries of Spontaneous Healing, in October.

The exciting thing happening in my life is that my memoir, Coloring Outside the Lines: Surviving and Thriving with cancer for 30+ Years, is published and out in the world. This has been a long process and it feels great to have it done. You can still order it at If you are outside of the United States, you can order it at your local bookstore. It’s too expensive for us to ship outside of the US.