Are you over 50? Discover new goddess energies within!

Attend Jean Shinoda Bolen’s FREE virtual workshop . . .

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

5:30pm Pacific / 8:30pm Eastern

Get all the details and RSVP by clicking here!

GoddessInYou_intro_rectangleIf you’re fast approaching or already on the other side of 50, it’s time to claim your full power and allow your truest self to emerge –– to FINALLY rejoice in who you’ve always wanted to be!

On Wednesday, January 25th, feminine psychology pioneer Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, will show you how to tap into the powerful Goddess energies stirring within you as you enter the “third act” of life, during a complimentary virtual workshop: Goddesses in Every Woman (After 50): Discover Your New Archetypes at This Stage of Life & Liberate Your Authentic Self.

Get all the details and RSVP by clicking here!

Jean’s groundbreaking bestseller, Goddesses in Everywoman, as well as its companion, Goddesses in Older Women, provide deep and valuable explorations into the feminine psyche. Goddesses in Everywoman, an instant classic when published 30 years ago, is still a foundational work for feminist psychology.

Crossing the threshold to 50 and beyond can be an exciting, fulfilling and joyous time –– contrary to how popular culture portrays aging –– and Jean will show you how you can arouse the innate Goddess archetypes within to step into and embrace these empowering years.

During this insightful mini-workshop, you will:

  • Open to the intuitive wisdom of the Greek Goddess, Hecate, empowering you to trust your inner wisdom
  • Connect with the healing humor of the Greek Goddess Bawdy Baubo and Uzume, Japanese Goddess of Mirth and Dance, empowering you to keep your heart intact when facing limitation and loss
  • Arouse the Goddesses of Compassion, Kuan Yin, the Virgin Mary and Lady Liberty, to support you in acting with greater compassion for yourself and others

There has never been a better time for you to discover the powerful Goddess archetypes within that can help you let go of limitations, embrace new ways of being and cross the threshold to the other side of 50 liberated . . . and simmering with new and exciting possibilities for life!

We hope to “see” you at this compelling virtual event! It’s FREE to attend and you’ll receive a recording if you can’t listen live.

Get all the details and RSVP by clicking here!

During Goddesses in Every Woman (After 50): Discover Your New Archetypes at This Stage of Life & Liberate Your Authentic Self, Jean Shinoda Bolen will show you how to recognize and embrace your innate feminine archetypes so you can make your wisdom years the most invigorating and meaningful time of your life.