Our Cancer as a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving™ free conference, held in Denver on September 12th, was an awesome event.

The presenters were passionate, articulate, funny, and authentic. There were tears and laughter, and deep connections made. As we were preparing for the conference, I said my usual prayer that those who would benefit from the event would find their way there, and I trust that happened. It was a magical mystical experience for those of us who were there and I am grateful to have experienced it.

The best news is that we hired a professional videographer to record the conference and put the presentations on the web. This means that the audience can be in the thousands and can include the many people who couldn’t get to Denver. This can be an international audience — anywhere people have access to a computer. We will let you know when the presentations are available for you to watch.

I have chosen to post the presentation by Jonathan Ellerby, PhD, first, for several reasons. One is that we were in Denver because of his invitation to hold the conference in the Althea Center where he is the Executive Director and lead minister. Another is so those of you still deciding whether you will attend the retreat, Oct. 16 to 18, at Westerbeke Ranch in Sonoma, CA, will have an opportunity to meet Jonathan before it’s too late for you to join us next month.

When I plan the order of presentations for a conference, I often schedule the most spiritually oriented speakers last. It seems like that is often the last place we go to explore our own healing journeys. We start with nutrition and supplements and exercise. It’s easier to focus on the physical things we can do. But once we dig into the spiritual, we often feel deeply nourished and realize how necessary that is for our healing.

It seems like I may have used the same order in planning the year for Healing Journeys. This retreat is the last Healing Journeys event of 2015 and it will be a powerful weekend of inspiration and renewal. We want the experience to be deeply nourishing for all who attend. The food will be all organic, healthy, and delicious. The topic is Awakening to a Deeper Relationship with Life. Some of the objectives are to deepen our spiritual connections, accept and strengthen our intuition, and learn the role of emotion in healing.

Fall feels like the perfect time to focus more inward and re-discover what nourishes me. Consider giving yourself the gift of this weekend experience. Or, at least, you can experience Jonathan’s presentation from the Denver conference here.

As always, I welcome your comments; to reply please click here.

In the Spirit of Healing,
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Jan Adrian, MSW
Founder and Executive Director