When I last posted here, I commented that getting outside every day was helping me maintain my sanity. If that were true, I might now be insane. The smoke is so heavy in California (and all along the West Coast) that going outside is not an option. My windows have been closed and today was the first time I could go for a little walk in at least a week. I haven’t been able to play Pickle ball for a month. We are now looking back at the time when COVID-19 was the only threat as the good old days. Now most people on the West Coast don’t have good air to breathe.

I had my quarterly blood tests last week. I have 7 different tests and all my numbers have improved in the last 3 months, except the cancer marker. It went up by 200. My oncologist says if it went up by 20% or more, she would want to change my treatment. It only went up by about 7 %, so no change is needed. All the other numbers may be more important because they indicate that my body is getting healthier.

After trying every Aromatase Inhibitor until it quit working, I haven’t been taking any since January. I am doing Mistletoe Injections twice a week, and I’m taking about 10 different supplements. Of course, I’m still paying attention to the 10 Healing Factors from Radical Remission, below. My intention is to stimulate the self-healing mechanisms of my body.

  • Radically changing your diet
  • Taking control of your health
  • Following your intuition
  • Using herbs and supplements
  • Releasing suppressed emotions
  • Increasing positive emotions
  • Embracing social support
  • Deepening your spiritual connection
  • Having strong reasons for living
  • Exercise

When I’m writing about cancer treatments, I don’t always mention nutrition because I take that for granted. For 31 years I have been paying attention to what I eat and drink. As research has uncovered new information, my diet has changed, and my belief is that everyone doesn’t require the same diet. My diet now could mostly be described as Paleo, except that I do use some dairy. Testing has shown that it’s not a problem for me. Grains are a problem. No grains are in my diet except occasional organic sourdough bread. I avoid sugar, of course, except for occasionally honey in my tea.

Because I’ve been having gut issues, I recently had a stool test and got the results today. My beta-glucuronidase is high. I looked this up on the internet and found this: “When beta-glucuronidase is in excess, the bonds between toxins and glucuronic acid are broken, and toxins and hormones that were meant to be excreted are then reabsorbed into the body.” That means that estrogen that should be excreted isn’t, and this can be a factor in breast cancer. So, as we are treating my gut, I anticipate it will affect my cancer as well. This may be a more effective way to lower estrogen than taking Aromatase Inhibitors.

I’ve always felt like my gut issues were affecting my cancer, but didn’t know exactly how. I’m excited to learn there is a direct connection that can be explained, tested, and treated.

My next blood tests will be in three months. By that time, we will have treated my gut for several months and I will find out what difference that might make in my cancer.