After my recent PET/CT scan, I spent a few weeks getting input from the practitioners on my healing team, and consulting my inner wisdom. I am now implementing the treatment decisions I have made. I have stopped taking both Femara and mistletoe. I have started taking Faslodex and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). Faslodex is prescribed by my oncologist. LDN is prescribed by my integrative doctor.

I am doing my best to use Cannabis on a regular basis. One of my integrative doctors directed me to a source for a high quality organic tincture that is easy to use, and is strong enough that when I started I could only tolerate one drop. I am now up to taking 3 or 4 drops three or four times a day. I’m trying to keep it in my system all the time, at a level that allows me to still function in the world.

I am also starting to add more supplements to my daily routine. So far I am taking Vitamin D, Melatonin, Osteo-K-Minis, and Curcumin. More to be added as I can tolerate them. I have finished my Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) treatment and hopefully will be able to tolerate supplements again without getting diarrhea.

I strongly considered going on a ketogenic diet, but was discouraged by several of my practitioners because of the weight loss that goes with it. I have lost weight over the past 5 years (I think because of the SIBO), and I can’t afford to lose any more weight. So I am staying on a Paleo diet, mostly eating organic fruits and veggies, pastured high quality meats and fish, and good fats. Low carbs, no grains, and no sugar. I am following the advice Dr. Winters gave us in the Cancer and Nutrition workshop to eat within an 8 to 10 hour window, fasting from 12 to 16 hours on a daily basis (between dinner and breakfast). No more bedtime snacks.

I continue to have monthly blood tests which include the CA 27.29 test. My CA27.29 number this week was up more than ever, to 1379 (almost 600 more than last month). I have been told that the impact of treatment on cancer shows up 3 to 4 weeks later, and it has only been 2 weeks since I started new treatments, so I wouldn’t expect to see any results yet. Still, it’s a little scary to have the CA27.29 number be so high.

I’m having a hard time emotionally with going in to the Cancer Center infusion center to get my Faslodex shots. I have been managing my cancer with natural methods for so long, and there is a part of me that feels like a failure because I am now depending on Western medical treatments. There is another part of me that is grateful there are so many more options for treatments now, and that I am surrounded by health practitioners who have knowledge, wisdom, and experience in approaching cancer as a disease of the whole person.