After my recent PET/CT scan, I spent a few weeks getting input from the practitioners on my healing team, and consulting my inner wisdom. I am now implementing the treatment decisions I have made. I have stopped taking both Femara and mistletoe. I have started taking Faslodex and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). Faslodex is prescribed by my oncologist. LDN is prescribed by my integrative doctor.
I am doing my best to use Cannabis on a regular basis. One of my integrative doctors directed me to a source for a high quality organic tincture that is easy to use, and is strong enough that when I started I could only tolerate one drop. I am now up to taking 3 or 4 drops three or four times a day. I’m trying to keep it in my system all the time, at a level that allows me to still function in the world.
I am also starting to add more supplements to my daily routine. So far I am taking Vitamin D, Melatonin, Osteo-K-Minis, and Curcumin. More to be added as I can tolerate them. I have finished my Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) treatment and hopefully will be able to tolerate supplements again without getting diarrhea.
I strongly considered going on a ketogenic diet, but was discouraged by several of my practitioners because of the weight loss that goes with it. I have lost weight over the past 5 years (I think because of the SIBO), and I can’t afford to lose any more weight. So I am staying on a Paleo diet, mostly eating organic fruits and veggies, pastured high quality meats and fish, and good fats. Low carbs, no grains, and no sugar. I am following the advice Dr. Winters gave us in the Cancer and Nutrition workshop to eat within an 8 to 10 hour window, fasting from 12 to 16 hours on a daily basis (between dinner and breakfast). No more bedtime snacks.
I continue to have monthly blood tests which include the CA 27.29 test. My CA27.29 number this week was up more than ever, to 1379 (almost 600 more than last month). I have been told that the impact of treatment on cancer shows up 3 to 4 weeks later, and it has only been 2 weeks since I started new treatments, so I wouldn’t expect to see any results yet. Still, it’s a little scary to have the CA27.29 number be so high.
I’m having a hard time emotionally with going in to the Cancer Center infusion center to get my Faslodex shots. I have been managing my cancer with natural methods for so long, and there is a part of me that feels like a failure because I am now depending on Western medical treatments. There is another part of me that is grateful there are so many more options for treatments now, and that I am surrounded by health practitioners who have knowledge, wisdom, and experience in approaching cancer as a disease of the whole person.
You are NOT a loser for accessing what Western medicine has to offer. I just hope that it works wonders for you and gets those blasted numbers down.
May every therapy of which you avail yourself work together in harmony to bring forth and optimize your wellness.
I think that you do a disservice to yourself and to the Healing Journeys community that you serve by stating that you feel like a failure because you need to use allopathic treatments in addition to integrative treatments. Many of us would be DEAD if we had not availed ourselves of all that Western Medicine has to offer (myself included.) Consider yourself lucky to be able to afford and utilize both sides of the “coin”. Embrace all of your treatments with love and compassion. That will go a long way in bringing complete healing to your body, mind and spirit. Blessings during this season of light.
At the risk of telling you what to do, I invite you to just quietly be with the sense of failure and that part of you that carries that sense. That’s it: greet it, acknowledge it is there, listen to what it has to say. Notice where it is in the body and wait to see what might happen. I’ll bet money, it is trying to serve you in some way.
Love to you
Thank you for sharing as you are an inspiration to me.
You are being guided and good for you in considering all options and moving forward.
Prayers for signs that your regime is working.
All things are possible.
Trust the process and ask God/Spirit for guidance. Live in faith rather than fear. Much better for the immune system. Take one day at a time. I’ve been doing that for 8 years now.
Jan, on this International Day of Women, I salute you for your continuing to educate the masses about caring for one holistically when facing cancer. I always share your website with every single person who tells me they have cancer. Every. Single. One. I will pray for you and will always keep you in my heart, as long as you will always continue to roar like the Lionness that you are! Love you!