I often think I need to have something new to say to justify writing a blog. Maybe the fact that I am still thriving when I am “supposed to be” dead is news enough.

The big event in the past month is that my first husband, father of my son, died suddenly of a heart attack. He was on a camping trip in Utah, doing what he loved. It felt like a miracle that Brian (my son) and I were having lunch together in Berkeley (Brian lives in Cincinnati) when he got the text from his father’s partner that his father was having a heart attack in a hotel in Utah. I am so grateful that Brian and I got to share the experience of getting that news.

Brian was house sitting for friends in the Berkeley hills. After we got the news at lunch, we went for a walk in the Berkeley hills, to a vista spot that we know his father enjoyed when he went to UC Berkeley many years ago. For anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one, you know it feels surreal in the beginning. It’s hard to believe he is gone. He was a unique and special man and we remained close friends, even though our divorce was in 1978. If you read my memoir, you know that he stayed with me for 3 months in 2019 while recovering from open heart surgery. I’m grateful for that precious time we had together.

One unexpected side effect of his death is that it has increased my desire to stay alive longer. As I watch Brian handle the many tasks necessary after a parent’s death, I don’t want him to have to do the same for me in the near future. Give him a break. I’m glad I’m still here to walk with him on this journey.

I continue on the protocol of alternating taking Estradiol and Arimidex. During the two months I take Estradiol, my cancer marker (CA27.29) numbers go down. They just went down by another 2,000 this week. In June I will switch to Arimidex for two months. Historically my numbers have gone up during the two months on Arimidex. But we need the contrast to continue to put the cancer into confusion and chaos. I know this protocol won’t “work” forever, but I am grateful it is working now.

I had a wonderful trip to Kauai, in spite of having a menstrual period while I was there. It’s been more than 30 years since that has happened. Apparently the Estradiol is making my body think it is young again. If I had a man in my life, I wonder if I could get pregnant.

Next month I am going to Camp Indralaya on Orcas Island for a week. It’s a week of training for Therapeutic Touch practitioners and I will be a healing partner for them to practice on. It’s a beautiful setting with loving energy and healing vibes. This will be my 6th time attending this camp and I know it will provide major stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system, where healing happens.

My goal is to write in this blog every 2 months, even if there is nothing new to report. I hope you will be inspired by knowing what can happen after your doctor gives you an expiration date (mine was January 5, 2024). I love to read your comments.