It’s been four months since I’ve written in my blog. I’m hesitant to write because the metaphor of the roller coaster continues. It depends on when I write whether we’re going up or down.

If you just look at the cancer marker numbers (CA27.29), the last blood test was amazing. The numbers went down by almost 14,000 (from 22,000 to 8,000; normal is 38). It’s never dropped so dramatically before. Of course the questions are, “what has caused this drop?” and “will it go up or down next month?”

At the time of this blood test, I had been taking Estradiol for one month. This fact is shocking to anyone who knows my breast cancer is estrogen-receptor positive, meaning my cancer feeds on estrogen. Dr. Bricca (Naturopathic doctor) discovered a study that had some success with women with estrogen-receptor positive metastatic breast cancer. We are following the protocol in that study.

The theory is that my cancer has been without estrogen for so long that it no longer knows what to do with it. I have been taking Aromatase Inhibitors for decades, which has deprived my cancer of estrogen. In this study, they gave the women estradiol for two months, followed by 4 months of an Aromatase Inhibitor. I’ve been taking Estradiol since December 1st and on February 1st I will switch to Arimidex, an Aromatase Inhibitor. I will continue with monthly blood tests to monitor my response. And I will have a PET scan next week to get a better picture of what is happening with my lung and liver metastasis.

In the meantime, I have been having symptoms of cancer progression. While I was in Sedona, AZ for a week before Christmas with my son, I experienced shortness of breath when I walked uphill or up a flight of stairs. And I was tired a lot.

When I saw my pulmonologist last week, a chest X-ray revealed fluid on my left lung. They drained almost a liter of fluid out of the lining of the lung. I have less shortness of breath since the draining, but am still feeling tired a lot. I also had COVID the first week of January, and I still have a cough, so that may be contributing to my tiredness. I first tested negative for Covid on January 8th, and had the fluid drained on January 10th. Both of these are recent enough that I am still recovering (I’m writing this on January 15th). Hopefully I will be less tired soon.