Buy the Hope, Faith and Transformation CD

millermazersmith-lg“For a moment, allow yourself to imagine that you deeply believe that within you there is a power that can heal and inspire and create the future that you most desire.”

Those words are an excerpt from one of the four guided imageries that Emmett Miller, MD, one of the fathers of Holistic and Mind/Body Medicine, together withmusicians Susan Mazer and Dallas Smith, created and recorded for this special CD, made exclusively for Healing Journeys. These words are from the third track, Empowering Your Inner Healer.

1. Deep Relaxation and Centering — Anti-Anxiety Imagery 19:28
2. The River of Healing — Flowing Love 15:44
3. Empowering Your Inner Healer (Extended Version) 18:06
4. Empowering Your Inner Healer (Focused Version)  11:23

All proceeds benefit Healing Journeys.

Price includes tax, shipping, and handling.

