The first “treatment,” deepening one’s spirituality, feels complicated and not easy to implement. My first thought was that I needed to establish a meditation practice. I’ve tried several times before and it’s never lasted very long because I haven’t felt any benefit.

So I tried again. I took another meditation class, created a space in my living room where I don’t do anything else, bought a zabuton and a zafu, and still find it challenging to create the time to spend sitting there.

I’m starting to think more expansively about what my spiritual life is. My meditation teacher said the purpose of meditation is to truly feel my connection with everyone and everything in the Universe. I’m discovering other strategies that stimulate my experience of that connection.

On Saturday, I went to the Sacramento Music Festival and enjoyed 4 hours of live music (Feeling love/joy/happiness). I was feeling so happy that I wanted to have more. I bought a CD of one of my favorite groups. When I got home and put it on, I found myself dancing in the living room and feeling connected and happy. After 45 minutes (the end of the CD), I sat on my zafu for 15 minutes and enjoyed the feeling.

I’m noticing the overlap between the first (Deepening one’s spirituality) and the fourth (Feeling love/joy/happiness) “treatments.” I think both could be in the category of feeding my soul. Listening to music is a potent strategy for me for feeding my soul. When I remember that, I wonder why I don’t make more conscious use of it.

Another strategy that works for me is reading inspirational spiritual readings every day. I read something first thing in the morning to set a positive tone for the day. Then again, just before going to sleep, I put some peaceful and positive thoughts into my mind.

There was a sentence in one of those readings recently that inspired me to think about what feeds my soul and what choices I can make to nurture my soul more. It said, “My daily choices reflect the value I place on the life I’ve been given to live.” Being more aware of those daily choices, I’ve been listening to a CD by Karen Drucker the past few nights while going through my bed-time rituals. It’s such a simple way to feel happier and connected. I think this will be my new spiritual practice.