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Healing Journeys Presents:

Saying Yes: Cancer as a Catalyst

March 22-23, 2013

Ancient Future
2331 K St
Sacramento, CA 95816


Julie InterranteJulie Interrante, MA, is the founder of Elements, a Teaching Center for the Art of Living through Change, in Sacramento, California. Her focus is on the power of transition in our lives. Building on decades of work in hospital and hospice care, Julie teaches the importance of embracing pain which breaks open the heart, catalyzing great courage, trust and creativity for living life fully.

She explores the importance of vulnerability and tenderness in the midst of change. Ultimately she offers a new lens on life’s gift of transition. She is an adjunct professor in the Department of Psychology at Sacramento City College, a minister and writer. She is the author of The Power of a Broken-Open Heart. A gifted speaker and teacher, Julie brings humor, compassion, and a deep respect for life to all that she does. julieinterrante.com and www.elements-sacramento.com


A diagnosis of cancer often brings on images of something to fight, to wage war against, to ignore, destroy or conquer. It is not often considered an invitation. This is because we live in a culture that says if something is difficult, scary or painful, run like hell. It seems we have made an unspoken agreement that we cannot tolerate our own fear and discomfort. This agreement is not serving us because it turns us away from the invitation of our souls.

Transformation is something each of us is invited into many times throughout our lives. Discomfort, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, is the price of admission into transformation. Because of our trained response to run from pain, many of us have denied our souls and declined the invitation.

Transformation is something each of us is invited into many times throughout our lives. Cancer and other life-altering experiences are invitations. They are probably not the first or the last invitation. Because of our trained response to run from pain, many of us have denied our souls and declined the invitation.

Saying Yes: Cancer as a Catalyst is an opportunity to say yes to the wisdom of your own soul. Cancer and other life-altering experiences are invitations. Life circumstances that invite us into transformation often seem to come ‘out of nowhere,’ ‘uninvited’ or ‘unexpectedly.’ As a result it is easy to make the assumption something has gone wrong. While on one hand, it is true something has gone wrong, there is a deeper meaning and call. This retreat is about accepting the invitation into transformation and authentic living.

We invite you to join us at Saying Yes: Cancer as a Catalyst, a two-day workshop, where rather than push pain and fear away, we invite it in; we listen; we stay present; we allow and we love ourselves and one another on the path of transformation. Regardless of how cancer or any life-altering experience is touching your life, this retreat is created with the specific intention of saying yes to the invitation to transformation.


  • Anyone who feels they are in transition or transformation of any kind.
  • Women and men touched by cancer or any life-altering illness.
  • People supporting friends or family coping with cancer or other illness.
  • Healthcare providers.