Healing Journeys Presents:
Joy in Our Hearts: Unlocking the Heart of Healing
A Retreat with Karen Drucker and Bridget Hughes, M.Ac., L.Ac., NBCCH
Westerbeke Ranch
Sonoma, CA
November 6 — 8, 2016
Continuing Education Available for Nurses
* * * Register Here * * *
The Retreat:
We all have remarkable inner resources for healing; we don’t always know what they are or how to use them. Our bodies have the ability to make ‘medicine’, but it’s usually the last prescription we think to fill. If we have a symptom or a disease process but only look outside of ourselves for treatment, we forfeit our powerful Inner Molecules of Medicine.
In this retreat, we will learn to unlock dormant inner resources for healing, using simple practices that draw on the power of the Heart-Mind-Body connection to heal. It has been demonstrated that a feeling such as gratitude, laughter, love, or compassion experienced authentically for as few as 12 seconds is enough to ignite cascades of changes in immune complexes, neurotransmitters, and hormones.
We will experience and learn how the power of music, along with an infusion of positive messages, releases oxytocin and allows you to relax. Music is another tool we can use to access a rich, extensive inner pharmacy.
We will learn the distinctions that take us beyond trying, affirming, or hoping, all the way to authentically experiencing a transformative inner state.
Participants will also have time for rest, self-care, reflection and open dialogue with the instructors.

Karen Drucker
Karen has recorded 15 CDs of her original inspirational music, and is the author of an inspirational book, Let Go of the Shore: Stories and Songs That Set the Spirit Free. Among her many accomplishments, she has been a professional comedienne, led her own band for corporate events, and has been the music director of New Thought Churches, as well as music director and “music weaver” for many spiritual conferences and retreats. Karen has been honored with an Honorary Doctorate of Music for her work within the Religious Science Community, and a “Grace Note” award for her work within the Unity Movement.
In following her passion, Karen sings, speaks and leads workshops at women’s retreats, mind-body & health conferences, and various churches around the country, as well as working with authors like Joan Borysenko, Alan Cohen, and many others.
Karen Drucker has been called “a master of communicating presence and spirituality through music.” She loves making music, making a difference, and touching hearts. www.karendrucker.com

Bridget Hughes
Bridget is co-founder of two healing arts centers: Healing Point Acupuncture and Healing Arts in the Cancer Resource Center at the Medical Pavilion of Howard County General Hospital/Johns Hopkins Medicine in Columbia, Maryland and Healing Point LLC in the historic Codd Building in Severna Park, Maryland. While still practicing acupuncture full-time, she was named a 2010 and 2011 Favorite Doc in Chesapeake Family Magazine representing Anne Arundel County and the Chesapeake Bay Region. She is a past participant of the Howard County General Hospital Integrative Care Advisory Committee.
Once a child patient with cerebral palsy at the Kennedy Krieger Institute herself, Bridget healed beyond what was considered possible and went on to present Grand Rounds at Kennedy Krieger in 2002. Bridget is a past participant of the Kennedy Krieger Institute Complementary and Alternative Medicine Advisory Committee. She is a past member of the Kennedy Krieger Institute Ethics Committee. www.unlockingtheheartofhealing.com/
- Understand how to unlock unusual or unexpected healing forces from within;
- Experience how music can transform your body, mind, and spirit;
- Learn and experience how gratitude, laughter, love and compassion help the healing process;
- Learn to use a Feeling Mantra as a transformative practice to change the feeling tone in your heart, irrespective of health and life circumstances;
- Unlock dormant or under-expressed vitality, dormant or under-expressed love, dormant or under-expressed creativity, and dormant or under-expressed healing potential;
- Learn how to write and sing your own personal affirmation chant, and be healed and inspired in the process.
* * * Register Here * * *