I’m writing this on the first day of 2013 and I’m ready for the holidays to be over. Ready to find out what surprises this new year will bring. I know this ending and new beginning are arbitrary man-made dates, but it feels like a good opportunity to expect things to change. Or to make changes.

My intention this year is to have more fun, laughter, and love. Getting the label of metastatic cancer has given me new motivation to do the things I’ve put off into “somedays.” I will be working only half-time this year, creating the time to enjoy more of the activities I’ve been putting off.

I’ve just spent a week in Sedona, AZ with Robbie, the friend that was my roommate in graduate school. We did a lot of hiking in the beautiful red rock country. My lungs loved the fresh air at 4500 feet. My body and my spirit were happy.

Robbie and I are planning a 3-week trip to Morocco and Spain in May. I haven’t done that kind of personal traveling since starting Healing Journeys in 1994. I’ve been too busy with Healing Journeys events. Robbie and I hadn’t traveled together since 1967 when we did a 6-week camping road trip across Canada. Feels exciting to be getting back into that saddle again.

The pain I wrote about in my last post lasted about 10 days and disappeared as unannounced as it began. I went from 4 Percocets to get through the night to none. Jeanne Wallace, my nutritionist, did some research and helped with adding some supplements specific to my situation.

My doctor said my lungs on a CT scan look how he expected them to after the ablation — like a bomb went off in my lungs. It’s cloudy and full of debris. He said if there is a recurrence in the lungs, we won’t be able to see it for 6 months to a year. He will look every 3 months just to make sure it looks like he expects it to, but I can’t expect to know what is going on in there.

I’m not going to spend this 6 months to a year worrying about what is happening. I’m going to assume everything is fine and do what gives me life — connection, music, dance, travel, laughter, workshops, and retreats (#4 of Kelly Ann Turner’s 6 “treatments”).

I’m noticing what small changes I can make with the intention of taking better care of myself and paying attention to what brings me pleasure. For example, instead of writing this blog sitting in my office, I’m writing it in the living room next to a cozy fire with music on and a glass of wine. I don’t have to get all the “work” done before I can enjoy myself.

I’m planning some great new events through Healing Journeys, starting with a free evening in Sacramento with Julie Interrante on January 11. See An Invitation to Transformation:  Nothing Has Gone Wrong for more information, and watch the website for updates. Let’s connect and have fun together this year!