When someone is writing a blog about cancer, it is usually true that no news is good news. I haven’t written because not much has happened. That’s good news. My tumors (three that I know of) are being monitored with a PET scan every 6 months. The next one will happen in December.

My general health is monitored with monthly blood tests. I have some concern with the results of those blood tests. My cancer marker has been inching up, but is still in the “normal” range. My oncologist says the changes are so small that she is not concerned about them. When I saw her last week, she said the growth was so minor that I am still not in any danger by using “alternative” medicine instead of going on hormone therapy or chemotherapy.

My latest c-reactive protein test (blood test measuring inflammation) was 2.9. The normal range is 0 to 4, but when I was working with Jeanne Wallace (nutritionist), she said it should be less than 1. A year ago it was .4. Again, it’s still “normal,” but the slow increase is of concern to me. I have again started taking Resveratrol, a supplement that has been effective for me in the past in lowering that number.

I am taking what feels like way too many supplements (30 a day), all prescribed by Lise Alschuler, ND. We are treating cancer as aggressively as we can with anti-cancer supplements. My plan is to continue with this program and re-evaluate when I have a PET scan in December.

In the meantime, I am enjoying life. The 20th anniversary celebration and Cancer as a Turning Point™ conference we just had in Campbell two weeks ago was awesome. It was a nurturing and soul-feeding experience for me as well as for 500 others. Two of the presenters that focus on the spiritual aspects of healing will be doing other programs for Healing Journeys this year and I am looking forward to both of them.

In Julie Interrante’s one-day workshop, Love me Tender, I look forward to learning how to be more tender and loving with myself. And Jonathan Ellerby’s retreat, Transformation from Within, will be an opportunity to drop down into that healing place inside.

I am also getting regular visits to that healing place inside by listening to the guided imagery CD that Emmett Miller, Susan Mazer, and Dallas Smith made for our 20th anniversary, Hope, Faith, and Transformation. I am so lucky to have these healing resources at my fingertips. There are 4 guided imageries on the CD and I keep going back to #3. I love hearing “For a moment, allow yourself to imagine that you deeply believe that within you there is a power that can heal and inspire and create the future that you most desire.”