Since I’m having my cancer marker blood tests quarterly instead of monthly, I don’t have information on what is happening with my cancer. But I want to write about what is happening in life. The hard stop that Covid has delivered and all the divisiveness around it is sucking some of the life out of me.

I’m used to being an optimistic person, usually having something going on that I feel passionate about. I am making plans, setting goals, and creating things to look forward to. It’s hard to make any plans without knowing what will happen with Covid. I went out to dinner once during the few weeks that restaurants were open, but now even that isn’t a possibility. Every day is pretty much the same – Blursday. Sometimes it’s hard to even know what day it is.

I have a trip planned at the end of October to go to my timeshare condo in Sedona. When I made the reservations, I thought surely we would be able to travel by then, but it’s not looking good with the surge of Covid in Arizona.

I’ve been continuing with Theta Healing (a form of therapy) via Zoom. Since my cancer is currently in my lungs (breast cancer metastasized to lungs), and the lungs are related to grief, in my session this week the topic was grief. I can come up with events in my past that bring up grief for me, but the strongest feelings came up as I grieved over the loss of the life we used to know. The life that could include hugs, massages, dinner with friends, live workshops, conferences, seeing the smiles of people I pass on the streets or in the grocery store (now our smiles are masked), and travel.

I am personally not affected by the pandemic as much as many people are. I was already working from home; I was already facilitating book groups on Zoom; I still get Social Security. But I know so many people have lost their jobs, their dreams, their homes, the lives of loved ones, and their peace of mind. It’s stressful for all of us when so many of us are suffering.

Mark Nepo said in an interview that we can either feed the fire of our aliveness, or feed the fire of circumstances. There are some things I am doing that feed the fire of my aliveness. I have taken up Pickleball and play a couple times a week with some friends. We are outside, definitely physically distanced from each other, and getting fresh air and exercise. I have adopted a senior cat who is a real sweetheart. She gives me someone to talk to, and there’s nothing like the feeling and sound of a cat lying next to me purring. And I go for walks outside in the morning before the Sacramento heat takes over, and again as the sun is setting. Getting outside and enjoying the beauty of nature feels essential to maintaining a semblance of sanity, and some occasional joy.

Mark Nepo also said that no one feeling is final. Keep going. And he said we can be the keepers of kindness during this painful time of darkness. Having that intention feels useful for me in giving me a purpose while I give my full presence to whatever is before me.

There are, of course, positives coming out of this situation. Some things that are being dismantled may need to stay dismantled. Many of us don’t want to resume the level of busyness we used to have. The inability to make plans for the future is forcing us to live more in the present. I am learning to enjoy some simple things in life. I used to be too busy to sit and just enjoy a cup of tea without multi-tasking. And I don’t think as much about cancer. It is still doing whatever it is doing, but I don’t have the monthly reminder that I have it.

I’d love to hear from some of you about how you are feeling, and hopefully still moving from surviving to thriving.