I’m feeling excited about planning our Healing Journeys programs for 2014! I got re-inspired while at our recent Mexico retreats by hearing some of the stories of how much our past programs have meant to people.

Our Cancer-Fighting Kitchen workshop is undergoing a facelift and we will be offering the new and enhanced version in 2014. It is now named Cancer-Fighting Kitchen: Nourishment for Life and includes more than information about nutrition and cancer. In addition to the cooking demonstration by the singing chef, Laura Pole, it will include some movement, guided imagery, and two talks by Lise Alschuler, ND:  “Foundational Nutrition for Optimizing Cancer Survivorship” and “A Day in the Life of a Healthy Survivor.”

It will offer some great tools, both for the newly diagnosed, as well as survivors wanting to stave off a recurrence. These tools are useful not only for people touched by cancer, but for anyone on a healing journey from any life altering condition.

This new workshop is scheduled for July 12th at Bastyr University in Seattle, and we are working on two other potential locations.  Stay tuned.

I am working on offering our free conference, Cancer as a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving™ in the San Jose, CA area. I haven’t set a date yet because I’m negotiating with one very busy potential speaker. If he says yes, the date will be set according to his schedule. I’m aiming for October or November, 2014.

We have either donations or promises so far of $30,000 committed for this conference. If we do a two-day conference, our cost is about $100,000; a one-day would be less. Whether we plan a one-day or two-day conference will depend on how much more funding is received or pledged in the next month.

Thank you so much if you have already included Healing Journeys in your year-end contributions. Thank you for your belief and confidence in the value of our work. Thank you from the people who will benefit from our programs in 2014. We couldn’t be doing any of this without your support.

I wish the blessings of the Holiday season to you and your loved ones.

Click here to make a Safe & Secure, Tax-Deductible contribution online, or for the printable Mail/Fax form.

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In the Spirit of Healing,
Jan Adrian's signature
Jan Adrian, MSW
Founder and Executive Director