Coloring Outside the Lines: Surviving and Thriving with Cancer for 30+ Years
by Jan Adrian

Jan’s purpose in writing this book is to stimulate hope and curiosity in you, the reader. May you discover in its pages something that might be of assistance in learning to thrive with whatever has washed up on your beach.

Jan has had three primary cancers since 1989—breast cancer in both breasts and ocular melanoma—and more recurrences than she can count. Breast cancer metastasized to her lungs in 2011. Her story is about living fully and thriving with cancer.

Most of the stories in this book are about events in Jan’s life that helped to form or strengthen the attitudes, beliefs, and lifestyle that have been major resources in supporting her through more than thirty years of thriving with cancer.

This isn’t a “how-to” book. As unique individuals, we each need to figure out what’s best for us. Jan’s wish is that hearing her story will create hope, options, and healing paths for the millions of people who think cancer, especially a recurrence, is a death sentence.

Early Praise:

  • After a lifetime of navigating illness while staying vital, Jan Adrian offers much hard-earned wisdom in her brave and honest memoir. Jan is a wise and steadfast guide who never fails to penetrate trouble for the life-giving medicine at its center.
    ~ Mark Nepo, author of “Surviving Storms” and “The Book of Awakening”

  • Jan’s life story—especially how she has managed her diagnosis, treatments, recurrences, and “outside the lines” integrative therapies—will inspire anyone touched by cancer. She shows us how cancer can be managed while living a full, robust life.
    ~ Kelly A. Turner, PhD, NY Times Bestselling author of “Radical Hope” and “Radical Remission”

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