Oct 21, 2016 | Director's Reflections |
There are two basic methods to respond to cancer in our bodies. The one that Western medicine predominantly focuses on is to fight the disease. Integrative medicine also addresses the terrain of the body/mind/spirit in which the cancer is growing. The metaphor of a...
Sep 21, 2016 | Director's Reflections |
I have always believed that healing is an inside job, and have been excited by any teachings and experiences that might increase and refine my ability to accomplish it. There are two women who have had a profound impact on my ability to feel that healing energy: Karen...
Aug 26, 2016 | Director's Reflections |
Do you ever feel like you need more fun in your life? I’m thrilled that I will get to play with Bridget Hughes and Karen Drucker at the Joy in Our Hearts: Unlocking the Heart of Healing Retreat, November 6th to 8th, at Westerbeke Ranch in Sonoma, CA. Both of these...
Jul 21, 2016 | Director's Reflections
I have found that Connection with others on a similar path can make a huge difference in my healing journey. I feel accompanied on my path, supported, less fearful, less alone, and more confident in my choices. I have also learned some new strategies for thriving. In...
Jun 16, 2016 | Director's Reflections
I heard Dwight McKee, MD, say at a conference on new cutting edge treatments for cancer that he believed the first 30 days after a cancer diagnosis would best be spent learning stress management techniques. There is a strong correlation between stress and cancer, and...
May 15, 2016 | Director's Reflections |
My main purpose in writing this month is to ask for your help. It’s not comfortable for me to do, but if I don’t tell you, you might not know it’s needed. Many of you want to contribute, to make a difference in the lives of others. I’m telling you about an opportunity...