Therapeutic Diet for Cancer

We have just had our third meeting of the book study groups, reading The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, by Nasha Winters, ND. We discussed Chapter 4, which promotes the ketogenic diet. I asked Dr. Winters for clarification on her recommendations and whether her...

Let’s Learn Together

Many of you know that I’ve been living with, and learning about, cancer for 30 years. In about the past 5 years there has been an explosion of new information that is exciting to me. We know so much more about what causes cancer and what we can do to mitigate or...

How Do I Know?

When I was 16, I had an experience that has influenced many decisions in my life. I was home-schooled for a semester my junior year in high school because I was too sick to attend school. I ran a fever and had no energy; symptoms were the same as mono, but I...

My New Mission

My life has been intertwined with Healing Journeys for the past 25 years, and my purpose in life felt like it was connected to the Cancer as a Turning Point conference. Designing the conference was the means for me to use my gifts to make a difference in the world....

How to Get Into a Healing State

We have just posted another video presentation from our Cancer as a Turning Point™ conference in September, 2018. Eric Remensperger was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer while he was already living what he thought was a healthy lifestyle. He was on a...

Movie Night for Everyone

With the holidays behind us and the start of a new year, many of us are eager to learn and implement new behaviors we believe will improve our health. As an information junkie, I watch a lot of videos with new health information. I’m excited to share some of...

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