Apr 18, 2011 | Director's Reflections |
Dear Friends, I appreciate how many of you supported and encouraged my following my heart and taking a vacation in Kauai. I looked forward to it for so long, and it seemed like it was so short. You know what they say — time flies when you’re having fun....
Mar 16, 2011 | Director's Reflections |
Just like Cost Plus World Market travels the world so you don’t have to, I travel to conferences around the country to find resources for you. Last week I went to West Palm Beach, Florida, for the fourth annual CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) for Cancer...
Feb 15, 2011 | Director's Reflections |
The radio in my car is usually set to listen to NPR. About a month ago, when I started my car, the station had been changed (I had been out of town and couldn’t get my favorite station). What came on the air was Hawaiian music. My heart melted and ached to be in...
Jan 11, 2011 | Director's Reflections |
Dear Friends, If you have received an email from me in the last year, you know that part of my “signature” says, “Bless the Present, Trust Yourself, Expect the Best.” This is not what I was taught growing up, which is why I need the constant...
Dec 12, 2010 | Director's Reflections |
Dear Friends, One of the worst feelings I have experienced is hopelessness. Even anger is more empowering. In the middle of an economic downturn, or a cancer recurrence, it’s easy to slip into fear or hopelessness and it seems to spiral down from there. David...
Nov 12, 2010 | Director's Reflections |
Dear Friends, ‘Tis the season to be thankful, and my gratitude list is long this year. Even though 2010 has been a busy year for Healing Journeys, with three conferences and four workshops, I’ve been questioning whether we could continue because of the doldrums...