Cancer Again? (again) – January 2012

In 2012 I was planning to celebrate the first time I have reached 5 years without cancer since my first diagnosis in 1989. (I’ve had three primary cancers and multiple recurrences.) You may have heard that “life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.”...

Event Locations in 2012 – July 2011

Dear Friends, I’m excited about our upcoming events — we’ve been preparing all year for them! This year all our events are on the West Coast and I understand your disappointment if you live on the East Coast. Next year will be your turn. I’d...

Love in Action – May 2011

Dear Friends, I didn’t know Delores very well. I met her about ten years ago when she was diagnosed with cancer. We both lived in Santa Cruz, and she went to Medford, Oregon, to attend our Cancer as a Turning Point™ conference there. We stayed in touch. When she...