Tumor growth

Last Monday, on my birthday, I read the online radiology report from my every-six-month PET/CT scan. It detailed the sizes of several tumors in and around my lungs, making them sound worrisome. It also mentioned cancer in my ribs. I knew about the tumors in my lungs,...

Because You Asked

Since my last blog post, Healing From Within, I’ve heard from many of you, asking what specific anti-cancer supplements I am taking. The specific supplements and the doses are individual, so it wouldn’t be useful for you to know what my prescription is. If you...

Healing From Within

When someone is writing a blog about cancer, it is usually true that no news is good news. I haven’t written because not much has happened. That’s good news. My tumors (three that I know of) are being monitored with a PET scan every 6 months. The next one will happen...

Scan results

This blog is about how I am dealing with cancer, so I haven’t written for awhile because the “treatment” I was doing had to be stopped. Somehow the intermittent fasting and targeted supplements triggered GI discomfort and diarrhea. After a referral to a GI doctor and...

Treatment Side Effects

For the past couple of weeks I have temporarily stopped the intermittent fasting program I had been doing for several months. We haven’t been able to identify what has been causing my persistent diarrhea. It could be the fasting, or one or a combination of the...

Intermittent Fasting

Tweet I’ve just finished my seventh week of the intermittent fasting program. Two days a week I limit my calories to 600, eating mostly low glycemic vegetables. It was 500, but Dr. Alschuler has upped it to 600 so I can have some fat during those two days. One...