Apr 17, 2017 | Jan's Blog |
When I decided to write a blog every 3 months, I thought I would have a lot of time between posts, but the time has gone by quickly. There have been some changes in the past 3 months. My cancer markers (CA 27.29) have gone up for the past two months, from 109.5 to...
Jan 16, 2017 | Jan's Blog
Once again, it’s been three months since I have written. Maybe I should just decide this is a quarterly blog so I don’t feel disappointed in myself that I don’t write more often. For me, cancer is not an emergency and there isn’t a lot happening. That is good news. My...
Oct 13, 2016 | Jan's Blog |
It’s been 3 months since I wrote that my cancer markers (CA27.29) had gone down for five months in a row. I continue to have a blood test every month. In August it went up slightly, in September it went down about 25 points, and in October it went up 4.6 points....
Jul 17, 2016 | Jan's Blog |
Most of you know I’ve been dealing with cancer since 1989 with a whole person approach – mind, body, emotions, and spirit. I don’t say I’m “fighting” cancer because the imagery of war doesn’t resonate with me. Cancer has been, and continues to be, one of my teachers....
May 6, 2016 | Jan's Blog |
My cancer marker (CA 27.29) went down for the third month in a row. In fact, it went down more than twice as much as it did last month. It is now 173.7. Even though there are many factors that could be influencing this that I have written about before, I think the...
Apr 19, 2016 | Jan's Blog |
I met with my oncologist this week and we celebrated two months of cancer marker numbers going down. She said we could skip the PET/CT scan in June. As long as the numbers are going down and the lump under my arm is getting smaller (which it is), we don’t need...