On the way to NED

Most of you know I’ve been dealing with cancer since 1989 with a whole person approach – mind, body, emotions, and spirit. I don’t say I’m “fighting” cancer because the imagery of war doesn’t resonate with me. Cancer has been, and continues to be, one of my teachers....

Still Working

My cancer marker (CA 27.29) went down for the third month in a row. In fact, it went down more than twice as much as it did last month. It is now 173.7. Even though there are many factors that could be influencing this that I have written about before, I think the...

Something is Working

I met with my oncologist this week and we celebrated two months of cancer marker numbers going down. She said we could skip the PET/CT scan in June. As long as the numbers are going down and the lump under my arm is getting smaller (which it is), we don’t need...

Cancer Marker Down

My CA 27.29 cancer marker has gone down for the first time in over a year. Last month it was 272 and this month it was 254. It’s still higher than normal, but I’m excited and pleased that it has moved in the right direction. I have a lump that I can feel in a lymph...

Mixed Feelings

The report of my PET/CT scan last week used words like ‘extensive’ and ‘markedly progressed.’ It talked about pulmonary, pleural, and nodal disease. It sounded pretty scary. When I met with my oncologist yesterday, she said it wasn’t as scary as those words made it...

Progress Report

I want to give you an update on some of the decisions I was struggling with last time I posted, and let you know that everything looks good in my monthly blood test, except the CA 27.29 (cancer marker) continues to gradually go up. The rate of growth is faster this...