Living with Cancer

I started the New Year with a Cancer marker up by more than 1,000. Normal is 38 and mine is almost 4,000. There is only one hormone treatment that I haven’t tried (for estrogen receptor positive breast cancer), so I guess Megace will be next. Of course I am on the...

Progression of Cancer

I’m on my second month of taking Arimidex, an aromatase inhibitor, after a few months on Tamoxifen which quit doing its job. I just had my CA27.29 blood test and my numbers went up by 800 in the past two months. I didn’t have the test in November because I had just...

More Questions than Answers

I often want to wait to post on my blog until I have good news, but who is to say what is and isn’t good news. I will tell you what is happening, trying not to judge it as good or bad. After two months of having my cancer marker numbers go down, they then shot up...

More Movement

Last month my CA 27.29 went down by 11 points. Not much, but in the right direction for the first time in a year. I said in my last post that “I anticipate a more dramatic down-turn in August.” It happened! It went down by 323 points, the most it has ever gone down in...

A Change in Direction

As I said last month, I have been taking an aromatase inhibitor for over a year. Aromatase inhibitors are medications that stop the production of estrogen in postmenopausal women. They are prescribed for women with estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer. According...

More About My Individualized Cancer Treatment

Two of the recommendations that Dr. Nasha made, as mentioned in my last post, require an outlay of money. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and buying a far infrared sauna. I used my intuition and my pendulum to determine which of these I should address first, and the sauna...