Another Cancer Update

Tweet The PET/CT scan of August 12th was compared with the one I had about 6 months ago. The final impression on the report was that my stage 4 metastatic breast cancer is “stable.” It still feels a little scary to me to read “stage 4 metastatic.” I used to think...

Cancer Update

Tweet For the first time in 12 years, I used all my vacation time for this year. Traveling in Spain and Morocco for the month of May with Robbie and Carol was so engaging that I didn’t think much about cancer. I had a fantastic time. I saw architectural wonders,...


Tweet After a busy 19 days of traveling, we are taking an afternoon off and I have time to write. I’m on a 26 day trip with two friends, Carol and Robbie. It’s easy to live in the present and the “now” when it’s all so new and it keeps changing....


Tweet I’m writing this on a plane on my way to Madrid, Spain, starting a four week trip with two friends, Carol Purin and Robbie Lambert. We are going to Morocco, many Spanish cities, and ending up in Barcelona. I haven’t taken a vacation like this for 45...

New Cancer

Tweet For several months I’ve felt a lump under my right arm. It lit up on a PET scan in late February. I had a needle biopsy last week and heard once again, “it’s breast cancer.” I don’t have the full pathology report yet, so don’t have treatment recommendations. My...


Tweet A few weeks ago, I attended a workshop led by Julie Interrante called Wisdom of Anger.  I’m not in touch with feeling angry very often and thought it would be useful to learn to know and be comfortable with that side of myself. With Julie’s guidance,...