Healing Journeys Awards

breast-cancer-fund-logo 2000 – Founder, Jan Adrian, received the 5th Annual Heroes Award from The Breast Cancer Fund in San Francisco for her pioneering work in how the cancer experience can be life transforming.
ahhc-logo 2000 – Healing Journeys’ Program received the Healing Health Care in Action award by the Association of Healing Health Care Projects at their 10th annual symposium in Boston. A link to Healing Journeys can be found on the AHHC website.
soc-logo 2006 – Founder, Jan Adrian, was inducted into the Strike Out Cancer Hall of Fame – at a Giants/Dodgers game in San Francisco – for providing unparalleled support, education and hope to people affected by cancer.
The Strike Out Cancer program is a national campaign which partners Major League Baseball and major sponsors like Genentech. In each city, they honor an individual who, by providing unparalleled support, education and hope to people affected by cancer, embodies the spirit of the Strike Out Cancer program.

To be chosen for the Strike Out Cancer Hall of Fame, individuals are nominated by others for their spirit, achievement, and service to the community.  Jan Adrian was honored for her work in creating and producing Cancer as a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving, a two day conference for anyone touched by cancer that has been produced nationally.