Dr. Barbi Phelps-Sandall
If you have lost someone to cancer or know someone struggling with cancer that could use some healing energy,
Barbi Phelps-Sandall, MD (a Healing Journeys board member), will symbolically
take them on a pilgrimage on Camino de Santiago (the Way of St. James) to Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

If you would like your name or the name of a loved one honored or memorialized along Barbi’s pilgrimage, for a minimum $25.00 tax-deductible donation to Healing Journeys, their name(s) — $25 per name — will be written on tags with the symbol of St. James (scallop shell),
attached to her back pack and carried the entire distance, culminating at the Cathedral in Santiago. Barbi will then
light a candle in the cathedral for each “pilgrim” whose name she has been carrying, and she will attend the Pilgrims’ Mass in their honor.
If you have lost someone to cancer or know someone who is struggling with the disease, please sign them up for this special tribute and healing journey. Barbi leaves September 16th so it is best if we receive the names before then. The last date for us to get a name to Barbi along the trail is September 28th. She returns October 2nd.
You may donate safely and securely here.
Funds raised from this pilgrimage will go only to support Healing Journeys programs. No HJ funds will be used to finance Barbi’s trip in any way.
If you would like to receive pictures and reports from Barbi along the way, let us know when you sign up so we can send you a link to her blog posts.
This is Barbi’s second pilgrimage to Santiago Compostela, Spain. She and her fellow pilgrims will be starting in the town of Orviedo and walking 182 miles over 2 and 1/2 weeks.

Cathedral of Santiago Compostela
The Camino de Santiago (the Way of St. James) is a pilgrimage with multiple trails across Spain to the Cathedral of Santiago Compostela. Tradition says that the remains of St. James the Apostle are buried there. Pilgrims
as far back as the 9th century would travel to Santiago in honor of St James, whose martyrdom is recorded in ACTS 12:2. The Church incorporated the pilgrimage into its ritualistic acts of penance for certain sins.
Modern day pilgrims from around the world have many reasons for tackling the trek — cure for disease, emotional strength, spiritual insight, etc. The pilgrimage was popularized by the movie, The Way, staring Martin Sheen, in 2010. The route passes through hills, farmlands, and river valleys, connecting small medieval towns that are off the beaten path.

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