As I said last month, I have been taking an aromatase inhibitor for over a year. Aromatase inhibitors are medications that stop the production of estrogen in postmenopausal women. They are prescribed for women with estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer. According to my SNPS in my Nutrition Genome test, my body doesn’t respond to aromatase inhibitors. My cancer marker has gone up every month for a year.

My SNPS indicate my body would be more responsive to SERMS (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators). SERMs activate or block the estrogen receptors only in certain areas of the body and not others. They work differently than the aromatase inhibitors and are also prescribed for women with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer.

When I emailed my oncologist with this information, she changed my medication to Tamoxifen (a SERM) in mid-June. When I had my monthly blood test, July 1st, my cancer marker number went down for the first time in a year. It didn’t go down very much, but any down instead of up is a blessing. That was after only 2 weeks on Tamoxifen. I anticipate a more dramatic down-turn in August.

I took Tamoxifen for 5 years, about 20 years ago, and at that time they thought it was only effective for 5 years. There is now some controversy about that and some doctors recommend taking it for 10 years. I haven’t heard or read about anyone taking it for a second time after 20 years of not taking it.

I am continuing to use my far infrared sauna for 15 minutes on a daily basis. Right after I purchased it, someone told me that their doctor advised them not to use a sauna because it promoted the growth of cancer. I have searched the internet for any article or study confirming that, and haven’t found anything. There are many articles about the benefits of a far infrared sauna as a method of detoxing. I have also asked my pendulum about the length of time and the temperature that will lead to my highest and best health. I continue to be encouraged to use it at 50 degrees C for 15 minutes. Whenever I receive conflicting information, I have learned that I can trust using my pendulum as a guide.