The news was good when I had my foot X-rayed on August 22nd. My diligent use of crutches and not putting any weight on it for 6 weeks had allowed enough healing to happen that I was rewarded with permission to get rid of the boot and the crutches. I’ve been walking and driving again for the past week and I feel like a free woman. I love being able to take out my garbage, water my plants, and go to the post office on my own.

My foot still gets swollen and needs to be elevated and iced periodically, and Foot with blue tapethere is some pain. I am learning to walk all over again. I will be working with my physical therapist for awhile before I’m back to normal again. She uses the blue tape you can see in the picture to support drainage and healing.

The broken foot has given me a break (pun intended) from thinking of cancer for awhile. When I broke my foot, the recommendation was that I focus on healing the foot before I do any treatment for the slow-growing tumor in my lung. I don’t think the period of focusing on healing the foot is over, so I’m not ready to schedule any cancer treatment yet.

I’ve been questioning whether I gave the six “treatments” enough of a chance to have an effect. I may need to be quieter and go deeper than I had the time to do earlier this year. After our big conference in Sacramento in a week, I want to take some time off from working so intensely and see what I can learn in the quiet. If I am going to trust my intuition about treatment, I need to be quiet enough to be in touch with my intuition.

I think this Sacramento conference will be a good jumping-off point for me to do that. There will be an emphasis on nurturing the soul and on developing a spiritual life. I’m excited about taking some time for inward exploration before I decide on my next steps. It’s hard to separate my next steps personally from Healing Journeys’ next steps. I’m thinking of facilitating a workshop next year, “Journey into Healing.” The best preparation may be to journey deeper into my own healing.