Healing Journeys presents:

From Surviving to Thriving™

A FREE conference designed to
educate, inspire, connect, and celebrate

Saturday and Sunday, September 8 & 9, 2012

Scottish Rite Center
Sacramento, CA

Approved for 12 Continuing Education Credits for

This conference is supported by Educational Grants from:

UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center

Susan G Komen for the Cure:
Sacramento Valley Affiliate

Mercy Cancer Institute


Spiritual Life Center


American Cancer Society

Snack provided by:
Raw Revolution

General Conference Information

In order to make this program available to everyone, there is no charge for attending this conference. There are charges for lunch, Continuing Education, and overnight accommodations, if you choose these. Donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible.

Our Commitment to Diversity

Healing Journeys is committed to diversity and pledges to include, welcome, and support all individuals of any race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age, socioeconomic background, religion, sexual orientation, and disability.


The purpose of this program is to educate, inspire, connect, and celebrate all whose lives have been touched by cancer or any life-altering condition.

Cancer, or any life-altering illness, can be viewed as both a curse and a blessing. If viewed simply as a disease of the body, it is experienced only as a curse. When we view illness in the context of the whole person (body, mind, emotions, and spirit), we see its transformative potential as an awakening for the soul and spirit. Only then can we see it as a blessing and utilize its gifts.

“Thanks for creating this space where I can begin to come to terms with a cancer diagnosis. Thank you for the love . . .”

Who Should Attend

  • Women and men touched by cancer or any life-altering condition.
  • Caregivers, family members, or friends of someone touched by cancer or other illness
  • Physicians, Nurses, Social Workers, and other Healthcare Providers

Conference Objectives

  • Differentiate between curing the body and healing the person
  • Explore illness as an awakening with transformative potential
  • Rediscover the healing capacity of the human spirit
  • Facilitate healing from within as an essential component of total health
  • Experience the physical and emotional benefits of group support
  • Discover the impact of psycho-social and spiritual beliefs on the immune system
  • Facilitate networking among people and organizations with common goals and concerns