Our Vision

Partners in Thriving

Your Contributions in Action

Our vision is that EVERYONE touched by cancer or any life altering illness be empowered to move from surviving to thriving.


Our vision is for everyone touched by cancer. The 20,000 people who were empowered at our conferences need ongoing resources. The thousands of people who cannot attend our conference also need resources to move from surviving to thriving.

Thank you for partnering with us to provide current and future resources. Below are some projects that your donations can accomplish.

  • New Conference Locations – Research and Development to establish New Conference Locations.
  • CDs and DVDs – Create CDs and DVDs from some of your favorite conference presentations.
  • Podcasts – Make some of the conference presentations available as Podcasts on our website.
  • Forum – Provide a forum for you to share ideas with each other and for us to share new information and ideas with you.
  • YouTube – Put more excerpts of conference presentations on our website and on YouTube.
  • Giveaway Project – Extend our Giveaway Project – providing free media of powerful conference presentations to Cancer Centers and Hospital Resource Centers around the world.



Healing Journeys Mission
Support healing, activate hope, promote thriving