When the Darkness Comes

by Karen Jurgens

When the darkness comes
When the breath becomes shallow for the fear to live
When life becomes narrow with no room for joy
Storm the heavens with prayer
Shake the tree of life
Breathe deeply
Refuse delivery of packages of despair
See them
Know them
They are not you
Taste the natural sweetness of dawn breezes
The sparkle of dew on the grass
Hear the heart song of morning birds
Sip the precious tea of the moment
Feel the sacred pulse streaming through you
Carry the lamp of life in your heart
Let tears stream down your face
For all the suffering
Stand tall
Know who you are
Life living itself in beauty and truth

Bio: Karen Jurgens is a wife, mother of two wonderful children, and grandmother of two delightful girls. She is a retired Psychologist and worked with cancer patients before and after her diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma in 2002.