Seattle, WA 2006 Conference

Cancer As a Turning Point: From Surviving to Thriving™
Seattle, WA – July 8-9, 2006

Comments from participants

“Probably the best organized, executed, worthwhile conference (on any topic) I’ve ever attended.”

“The experience was wonderful. I am still in treatment and it gave me a much needed boost and spiritual deepening. Making connections with other women with Ovarian cancer was so helpful.”

“Many moving moments, metaphors about gardens, issues about risk and fear-an invitation to deal with fear-an empowering conference.”

“Thanks so much. This experience was very important in helping me on my journey. The tapes (volume 1 & 2) which I got a few months after my diagnosis, were really instrumental in turning me around from a place of terror to beginning to find some hope and meaning in this process.”

“Thank you to all of the presenters for being so approachable and willing to speak with the audience after their presentations/performances. Their openness is a central part of this experience. Thank you all.”

“I was blessed and moved by the whole conference. Thank You! Each of the speakers and performers brought an important contribution in a unique way. I also thought it was so nice of you to have healthy food out, available for people to snack on.”

“I really changed my mind on some long held beliefs. This really filled me up!”

“So many uplifting stories and wonderful people to share. Just an awesome 2 days. Keep up the good work.”

“I was brought to this program as a family/support. This will be valuable for continued open discussion. I will be making reference to it for a long time.”

“This conference was outstanding – even life-changing for me – far exceeding my expectations.”

“I am a newly graduated RN exploring an oncology career. Thanks for the inspiration.”

“Motivating, informative, inspirational. A few tears, lots of smiles and laughter, hope, positive and encouraging to duke it out and be a survivor!”

“I didn’t really have words to describe what I was experiencing after having cancer surgery 1½ years ago. I am so enriched by the quality of this conference to validate, understand, and appreciate the – how I am different – the hero quality – life force – the enhancement of self, combined with vulnerability – and to receive the gifts of the variety of presenters.”

“I feel like I have been given a wonderful gift by being able to attend this conference without major costs to myself. This is huge because there are many medical bills. So thank you!”

“Your program was an excellent mix of happy, sad, reality and encouragement to the cancer patient and supporters for healing.”

“Such excellence in content and organization. Superb planning and execution. BRAVO! Only way to improve is to include MORE cities! Many thanks!”