Imagery Workshop with Belleruth Naparstek 2007

Gifts of the Imagination: Guided Imagery for Surviving and Thriving Beyond Cancer
Belleruth Naparstek – Friday, March 23, 2007

Comments from participants

“Thank you for a rich and deeply informative workshop. Beautiful healing work.”

“An informative and invigorating presentation.”

“Helpful, practical & hopeful. Belleruth is wonderful, believable & great impromptu speaker.”

“Wonderful tools! Thank you for the great combination of research, stories, and experiential opportunities.”

“Belleruth was very funny, informational, intelligent, lively, and present to each person’s question.”

“This was very helpful and I feel will be helpful in my living with cancer.”

“Affirming & expanding!”

“So glad I came. It was magnificent in helping me identify more clearly my own questions and issues!”

“Great workshop. Very helpful to me personally and professionally. Thank you.”

“A beautiful model of how to be in the world. In the imagined world anything is possible. Empowering!”

“Amazing! What a powerful woman who can change lives. Great research information and results.”

“Thank you so much for having this and bringing to all of us! It’s all such a blessing to have this work.”

“A wonderful event. I feel another path to healing has been revealed to me. I am anxious to embark on this journey.”

“Always a complete delight! Beautiful blend of experiential & cognitive info. An experienced practitioner, I always learn something new.”

“Thank you! B.N. you are an inspiring pioneer. You helped me release pain during cancer and set me on a spiritual journey. Happy Joy.”

“Wonderful, magical, affirming both mind & spirit. Thanks for your work, Belleruth.”

“A very engaging speaker. I appreciate her story telling, humor, unpretentious manner.”

“Thank you. It was great. The examples of guided imagery were very helpful, especially relaxing for me.”

“This was a wonderful gift. I leave here feeling energized with lots of strength for me and my oncology staff and patients.”

“Very inspiring, loaded with good spirits and compassion.”

“A very powerful and healing experience for me, and a learning tool to use in my Healing Touch work.”

“Terrific experience – a great presenter – great humor & a wonderful, soothing voice! Thanks for having it”

“This is the 3rd time I’ve heard BR and I find her one of the very best presenters I’ve heard.”

“Fantastic! Good balance of info / Q and A / imagery practice.”

“I much enjoyed the explanations and background info. The guided imagery was most relaxing & freeing.”

“I consider Belleruth’s CDs on healing instrumental to my successful treatment for breast cancer. I also use the imagery in my work with clients in my successful work on healing as a psychotherapist.”

“Very Good. I got back in touch with my spirit!”