It’s hard to believe it’s been three months since I posted to my blog. When every day is pretty much the same, and I’m not traveling, it’s easy to lose track of time. I had my quarterly blood tests at the beginning of December and most of my numbers look like a healthy person. CRP is 1.5 which means there is very little inflammation happening in my body.

My cancer marker (CA 27.29) went down by 26. That’s not much considering that my number is over 3,000, but I think it’s an indication of stability. That’s as good as it gets with metastatic cancer. I’m not sure what has caused it to go down instead of up since (according to my oncologist) I’m not being treated. It might be the supplements I’ve been taking to treat my gut issue that I talked about 3 months ago. After 3 months of that supplement, my body should be eliminating estrogen more effectively. Since estrogen feeds my cancer, that could be making a difference.

Or it could be related to having less stress in my life. Even though planning events and traveling brought me a lot of joy, they also created stress. 2020 has created a different kind of stress, and has also created more spaciousness to meditate, enjoy nature, read, and work on writing my memoir. Whatever the cause of my cancer stability is, I’m grateful.

I’ve been concerned about deteriorating eyesight in my right eye, that I thought was caused by macular degeneration which has no treatment. Turns out I also had a cataract in that eye. That was great news since there is treatment for cataracts. I had cataract surgery last week and am delighted that my eyesight is improved, and improving.

I’m looking forward to turning the page on this year. Having the vaccines gives us a glimmer of the light at the end of the COVID tunnel. And I’m hoping the political chaos will calm down after January 20th. We all need less fear and anxiety, and more connection with each other. I trust that will happen in 2021.