It feels like time to post an update on my cancer progression and/or regression. After 7 months of my cancer marker numbers going down every month (since I started taking Faslodex), the past two months (August and September) the numbers went up slightly. Not a big amount, but in the wrong direction. So once again I’m wondering what else I should add to my healing program.

In 2006 I had good results when I used Iscador, a brand of mistletoe treatment from Germany. I went from a scan indicating I needed surgery, to a clean scan after three months of Iscador injections. In 2017 I used mistletoe again, but wasn’t able to get Iscador. For some reason, it is no longer available in the US. It didn’t occur to me that there were big differences in brands, so I used a different brand that was prescribed and monitored by my Naturopathic Doctor. After using it 6 months with no evidence of any positive results, I stopped it.

I did some research and discovered that Iscador is the only brand that was personally formulated by Rudolph Steiner, who first discovered the treatment. I talked to an anthroposophical doctor who believes that not all mistletoe treatments are equal. If it was Iscador that benefited me in the past, he thinks that’s what I should be using now.

I have been frustrated for many months in my attempts to access it — until now. Someone brought me some from South Africa. So now I will be starting my mistletoe injections again. I’m not looking forward to injecting myself every few days, but I am excited to see what results I will experience.

Mistletoe isn’t a cure for cancer, but used along with other treatment modalities, it seems to boost the effectiveness of other treatments. According to the NIH website, it is the most studied cancer treatment in the world.

I am also continuing to pay attention to the nine factors that I have been writing about from Radical Remission. The one I feel like I need to work on most right now is to identify strong reasons for living. My reasons for living have been linked to my work for most of my life. For 25 years I have been producing the Cancer as a Turning Point conference and felt like that was my mission, or my assignment from a Higher Power. On September 8th, we celebrated these 25 years by offering the final conference. The times have changed, funding is very difficult to obtain, and I’m tired. It feels like the conference has had a good life, and it has accomplished its purpose.

But am I ready to retire? Or is there another way I can use my gifts and knowledge to benefit others? What is my reason for living now? I plan to keep Healing Journeys alive, but don’t have clarity yet on what I will be doing. I’m a little anxious about this, but mostly excited to see what will be next for me. Dr. Joe Dispenza says that the unknown is a wonderful and exciting place to be because that’s where change and anything new comes from.