When I started having Faslodex injections in December, my CA27.29 (blood test for breast cancer) was 1379. It has now gone down over 200 points each month for three months in a row, for a current value of 686. That’s still a long way from the normal of 38, but it is going in the right direction by big increments. I’m grateful and optimistic.

The workshop I attended in January on the PATH method (Participatory Awareness for Transformational Healing), with Dwight McKee, MD, and Raul Goldberg, MD, was an intense experience. Dr. Goldberg has created this technique to assist people in releasing old traumas and negative emotions. He has been doing this work with cancer patients in South Africa (where he is from) and Europe for 20 years with powerful results.

This was an introductory workshop for health professionals since he is trying to get therapists in the US to become trained in using the PATH method. There were 14 of us in the group. He demonstrated the method with three of us individually while the rest of the group observed. The three of us who got to have that experience were the only three in the group who are living with cancer.

I am so grateful that I got to experience it. I expressed and released some negative emotions from two events in my life, one that happened when I was three, and another that happened when I was 44. I was surprised at how strong those emotions still were. In the PATH method, the patient gets to play different characters (all part of me), so after one character expresses the emotions, another character discovers the resources to deal with the feelings, provides comfort, and observes the experience from a different perspective. Great tools that are now part of my toolbox.

One of the nine strategies identified in Kelly Turner’s book, Radical Remission, is to release suppressed emotions being held in your body. Even though there is always more to do, I feel like this workshop gave me a good start in doing that.

Terri Tate and I are teaching a new workshop in May, called Trusting Your Inner Guidance. This is another example of teaching what I need to learn. I am loving doing the research and the practice to prepare for this workshop. Trusting your intuition is another one of the nine strategies in Radical Remission, so I am convinced of the value in developing and strengthening my capacity to tap into my intuition.

I am learning again the value of eliciting the Relaxation Response on a regular basis, not only because it facilitates access to my intuition, but also because that’s the only time that healing can really happen in my body. It is impossible for healing of the body to happen when I am in the stress response (where many of us live much of the time). This knowledge strengthens my resolve to meditate, be in nature, do guided imagery, and have regular massages. I don’t know how much these practices are affecting my cancer marker numbers, but I’m confident they are contributing to the numbers going down.