My monthly CA27.29 blood test last week showed a decrease of just over 200 in my number. This is GREAT news. Not only did it not go up (remember last month it went up 600 points), it also actually went down. My integrative doctor said it looks like we have “averted a disaster.”

I have only noticed two side effects since taking Faslodex (6 weeks now). I have more intense hot flashes, and I have some pain at the injection site in my hips where I get the Faslodex shots. The first three shots were two weeks apart, and now I will have them once a month.

I think Faslodex is doing the heavy lifting, but I am also doing what I can to strengthen my immune system. I think the Low Dose Naltrexone is helping, and a few changes in what I eat. I am being more diligent to not have sugar (no honey in my tea and no wine this week – not even Dry Farm Wines).

Next week-end I am taking a workshop with Dwight McKee, MD, and Raul Goldberg, MD, on the PATH method (Participatory Awareness for Transformational Healing). When I first started my cancer journey 28 years ago, Dwight McKee was my first integrative oncologist. I think he is one of the reasons I am still here. He doesn’t see patients anymore, but continues with research and speaking. I am excited that I will get to pick his brain for a week-end. I’m feeling optimistic and grateful.