There are four exciting subjects I want to share with you, so I have created separate headings to identify them. There is a question at the end of the first subject to which I would appreciate your response, especially if your answer is yes. You may “reply” to this email or leave a comment (link is near my signature, below).

1. Cancer and Nutrition

For the past few months I’ve been sharing information from The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, by Nasha Winters, ND, and Jess Higgins Kelley, MNT. I want to share one more gem that seems so simple, yet makes such a big difference. It’s not only WHAT we eat that matters, but also WHEN we eat. She talks about the research done on intermittent fasting and the effect it can have on cancer treatment effectiveness. People who fast (don’t eat) before a chemo treatment have less side effects, and the treatment is more effective.

The health of our bodies in general (terrain that isn’t conducive to the growth of cancer) is improved when we eat our meals within an 8 hour period, and fast for 16 hours on a daily basis. I haven’t gotten there yet, but I’m on my way. It was pretty easy to get all my eating done in 10 hours (9 a.m. to 7 p.m.), giving me 14 hours of fasting, by just putting a stop to midnight snacks.

The Cancer and Nutrition workshop with Nasha Winters, ND, held in June in Sacramento, CA, was recorded. I’m excited that the video recordings will be digitally available soon, via streaming or downloading. Please watch for an email in the next week about how to get them.

We have been advised that it’s not worth the investment to make DVDs because “no one buys DVDs anymore.” I would appreciate hearing your opinion on that. Would you buy DVDs of the Cancer and Nutrition workshop if we had them available (or do you prefer downloads)?

2. Cancer as a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving

On September 9th, Healing Journeys will offer a free Cancer as a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving™ mini-conference in Eureka, CA, at the invitation of The Breast and GYN Health Project, to celebrate their 20th anniversary. I want to offer my congratulations to them for offering their free services to women with cancer for 20 years. You can get more information and register for the event via a link in News.

3. A Healing Journey for All

If you have lost someone to cancer or know someone who is struggling with the disease, you have an opportunity to honor them by having their name carried on a pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago.

In September, Barbi Phelps-Sandall, MD, a Healing Journeys board member, is doing her second pilgrimage to the Camino de Santiago (the Way of St. James) in Spain. She will be taking “pilgrims in absentia” with her by carrying their names, written on tags with the symbol of St. James (scallop shell), attached to her back pack and carried the entire distance (182 miles), culminating at the Cathedral in Santiago. Barbi will then light a candle in the cathedral for each “pilgrim” whose name she has been carrying, and she will attend the Pilgrims’ Mass in their honor.

By making a loving donation, you or your loved one will be honored, and Healing Journeys will have more resources to plan our next free program. There is a link in News for more information about Barbi’s pilgrimage, and to sign up you or your loved one to be included on this healing journey.

4. Planning for 2018
I’m feeling excited about the 2018 free program we are starting to plan, but we need to solidify more details before I can share it with you. I will have more information in my next eNewsletter. In the meantime, bless the present, trust yourself, and expect the best.

As always, I welcome your comments; to reply please click here.

In the Spirit of Healing,

Jan Adrian's signature
Jan Adrian, MSW
Founder and Executive Director