In the past month life has gifted me with reminders of how fragile life is. We lost three people in my church and they all seemed too young: 36, 45, and 62. They didn’t have cancer, and their deaths were unexpected. One was killed immediately in a car accident. Here one minute; gone the next.

Of course we are feeling sadness and loss, and are grateful for the gifts we received from them while they were with us. I’m also feeling even more inspired to live fully in the present. If there is something I’ve always wanted to do or be or have, why not now? Today is the day to celebrate life.

Since my own diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer, I’ve already been moving in the direction of doing more of what gives me joy in the moment, and I’m inspired to continue living with that focus. Music and travel are two of my biggies.

One of the most nourishing things I did for myself last year was attend the Mexico retreat with Jonathan Ellerby, PhD, on the Riviera Maya of Mexico, sponsored by Healing Journeys. It was so incredible that we decided to offer two retreats this year, and I am going to both of them. In fact, many of the people who attended last year are returning for more. Since the deadline for signing up for the Mexico retreats is at the end of this month, I’m repeating what I wrote about them in June.

The Riviera Maya of Mexico is a beautiful, magical setting. The classes with Jonathan were spiritually enriching, and the connections I made with others in the group have led to deep life-long friendships. That experience was truly a turning point in my healing journey. I invite you to give yourself the gift of joining me for one, or both, of the two weeks that Healing Journeys is sponsoring this year. The price is amazingly inexpensive (and will never be this low again), and it’s a rare opportunity for fun, healing, and spiritual enrichment all rolled into one.

If you’re thinking of going, please don’t put it off, thinking you’ll go next year. The retreats may not be offered again, and life is fragile. You can get more information here.

Another thing that nourishes me is music. If you live within driving distance of Sacramento, join me September 14th for the benefit concert by Totally Tapioca, an awesome 5-part a cappella group. You can order tickets here.

Healing Journeys has offered the Cancer-Fighting Kitchen Workshop 8 times in the past few years and people have loved it. If you live within driving distance of Sacramento, this may be the year for you to experience it on October 4th. If not, you can watch it on DVD wherever you live. The information is empowering, the presentation is fun as well as informational, and the food is delicious and healthy.

Whatever you feel attracted to, passionate about, fascinated with, or intuitively drawn to, now is the time to follow your heart. Explore. Try new things. If not now, when?