In this issue: (click to go to that section)
Director's Reflections — What a Difference a Person Makes by Jan Adrian, MSW |
Dear Friends,
I started Healing Journeys 21 years ago because I couldn't find the resources I needed as a cancer patient. Although there is now more information than there used to be about what we can do to influence our health, it's still often hard to find for the newly diagnosed patient.
I appreciate receiving the kind of feedback I received from Kathleen Grauman in response to what I wrote here last month. She said:
"Thanks, Jan, for an excellent article. Patients have to find information and support from organizations like Healing Journeys because so little of it is in mainstream medicine. At best, doctors say of non-drug treatments, 'it can't hurt.' Oh, and 'beware of supplements' and 'non-proven' techniques. How much evidence does it take! I am in my 14th year of remission and always grateful to Healing Journeys (attended in Seattle in 2003). Blessings."
Thank you, Kathleen, for taking the time to comment. For the 21 years that Healing Journeys has been alive, you-all have been the wind beneath my wings. I wouldn't have kept it going without hearing from you how you valued our programs. Your encouragement, both emotionally and financially, have kept me going.
I will always be grateful to Toni Minvielle who died in 2000 and donated her IRA to Healing Journeys. I never met Toni. She attended our free conference in Oakland in 1998; it meant so much to her that she wanted to make sure it continued. That level of belief in our work was super motivation for me to keep doing it. If nothing else, I had to do it to honor Toni's belief in Healing Journeys.
The notes and donations we are currently receiving in response to our postal newsletter are very much appreciated. I want you to know what a difference you make when you write and when you make donations, no matter how big or small. It's your donations that are going to make the first-ever Denver conference possible. We're all in this together and I need your help.
 Safe & Secure Tax-Deductible Donation
Sandra Warne is another person whose support I am currently grateful for. In the News section of this newsletter you will see a notice of an art show she is presenting, giving 50% of the proceeds to Healing Journeys. What is most meaningful to me about this is that she is doing it because the conference she attended was a valuable experience for her, and she wants more people to have that experience. Sandra is paying it forward and she is making a difference.
I wish I could include a personal thank you to each person who has contributed in any way. If you are one of those contributors, please accept this thank you and know that you are making a difference in the lives of those coming after you, learning how they too can move from surviving to thriving.
I also want to honor those who have not survived. Death is not a failure; it will happen to all of us. Even if we do everything "right," this body will reach a stopping point. If there is any failure, it is not fully living while we have the chance. I try to keep in mind Dr. Jeremy Geffen's quote, The Essence of Healing is found in Focused Action and Intention . . . Wrapped in the Arms of Surrender. It's the focused action and intention that we can control, that empowers and enlivens us, and that we will practice in the upcoming Radical Remission workshop.
As always, I welcome your comments; to reply please click here.
In the Spirit of Healing,

Jan Adrian, MSW
Founder and Executive Director
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"Flora and Fauna" Art Show and sale of work by Sandra Warne to benefit and support the ongoing work of Healing Journeys. This collage represents a few pieces.
"Second Saturday" showing June 13th
Middle Way Health Gallery
708 Alhambra Blvd. Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95816
5pm to 7PM
- We have had requests for financial aid to attend the Radical Remission workshop. We need to cover the expenses of this workshop and can only say yes to these scholarship requests when we receive contributions designated for that purpose. Please help if you can. If you make an Online Donation for this, please type "Scholarship" into the Comments field, near the bottom of the form.
- If you are on our postal mailing list, you should have received our annual postal newsletter already. If you aren't on our postal mailing list, you can view it online here. It's full of news and information!
- We're planning to open registration on June 1st for the free Cancer as a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving™ conference in Denver. Please check our website then, and let your friends in the area know.
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Honor the ones you love by making a donation in her/his name to Healing Journeys.
Your donations to Healing Journeys help keep our Cancer as a Turning Point conferences free of charge for those who attend.
Please make a tax deductible donation today to support Healing Journeys and those who need the services we offer.
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Radical Remission: Implementing the 9 Healing Factors into Your Own Life
Workshop with Kelly Turner, PhD July 24—25 San Mateo, CA
More Information
* * *
FREE Conference!
Cancer as a Turning Point,
From Surviving to Thriving™
September 12th
Denver, CO
More Information Soon
* * * CDs & DVDs * * *

Hope, Faith, & Transformation Guided Imagery for Healing
CD Created For Healing Journeys 20th Anniversary
More Information
Physical CD

The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen
DVDs of the Los Gatos, CA Workshop — Available Now
More Information
Jan's Blog
Jan shares her personal healing journey.
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