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Director's Reflections — Free Conference 2015 by Jan Adrian, MSW |
Dear Friends,
People have asked me how we choose where we offer our free conference. It often starts with an invitation from someone. I want to share with you the process as it's unfolding for 2015.
Jonathan Ellerby, PhD, has been a presenter at our last two Cancer as a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving™ conferences. We have also sponsored retreats with him for the past three years, two years in Mexico, and last year in Sonoma, CA. He is now the director of the Althea Center for Engaged Spirituality in Denver, CO, and he invited us to offer our conference in his 500 seat auditorium.
Last week I made a trip to Denver to check out the venue and determine the feasibility of having our conference there. Besides checking out the physical facility, I was also meeting people, and looking for the synchronicities that indicate to me that Spirit is supporting this venture.
The Althea Center is a beautiful, charming old auditorium (built in 1922) with good acoustics. There are spaces for registration, exhibitors, lunch networking, and book sales. The people we met are warm and friendly and excited about having our conference at their Center. Through unexpected meetings, we connected with several potential sponsors. Synchronicities were everywhere. It feels like the Force is with us, and my intuition says to go for it.
Even though we don't know yet where the funding will come from, we are moving ahead with plans. We have set a date for Saturday, September 12th. Michael Finkelstein, MD, author of Slow Medicine, whom I have been telling you about the past few months, has agreed to be our opening speaker on Saturday. And of course Jonathan will be there, both as a host and as one of my favorite spiritual teachers. My next step in planning this conference is to solicit sponsors. If you have any ideas or connections in Colorado, please let me know.
I'm excited about offering our conference to a new audience. Our vision is that everyone touched by cancer or any life-altering condition be empowered to move from surviving to thriving.
I am also very excited about another program we have planned for 2015. Details will be coming soon, but for now, please save the date. July 24—25 Kelly A. Turner, PhD, will be offering a Radical Remission workshop in San Mateo, CA. Space will be limited, and this is the only time she will be offering it in California. This is another one of those programs that I am planning because I feel like I need it for my own healing, and you will get the benefit as well!
As always, I welcome your comments; to reply please click here.
In the Spirit of Healing,

Jan Adrian, MSW
Founder and Executive Director
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- Reminder — A new 6-hour film by Ken Burns, Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies, is coming to PBS on March 30th, 31st, and April 1st. Check your local listings. This 3-minute video gives a brief introduction, and here is an article about it.
- Watch your mailbox for our annual postal newsletter. If you are on our postal mailing list, you should receive it after mid-April. It's full of news and information!
- 2015 events — So far, we've scheduled two exciting live events, so save the dates:
- Radical Remission Workshop, with Kelly Turner, PhD, and author of NYTimes best-seller Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds. July 24—25, San Mateo, CA.
- Our Cancer as a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving™ free conference: September 12th, Denver, CO.
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Radical Remission
Workshop with Kelly Turner, PhD July 24—25 San Mateo, CA
More Information Soon
* * *
FREE Conference!
Cancer as a Turning Point,
From Surviving to Thriving™
September 12th
Denver, CO
More Information Soon
* * * CDs & DVDs * * *

Hope, Faith, & Transformation Guided Imagery for Healing
CD Created For Healing Journeys 20th Anniversary
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Physical CD

The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen
DVDs of the Los Gatos, CA Workshop — Available Now
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