In this issue: (click to go to that section)
Director's Reflections — Progression of Disease by Jan Adrian, MSW |
Dear Friends,
When I received a PET/CT scan report that used the phrase, "progression of disease," my first reaction was "oh shit!" I'm tired of making treatment decisions and using my precious energy to manage cancer. I've been doing this for 26 years. I'm ready to move on and I don't think I "need" to have cancer anymore.
Then I started another round of research on what's being studied and what is working for eliminating cancer. This time I'm amazed at all the new information I'm learning about Cannabis. It now seems to be a serious threat to cancer. It's not used only to deal with pain or side effects from treatment. There is more and more evidence that it actually kicks cancer when it is ingested in the right strength and blend of CBD and THC. This is taken for the purpose of medicine, and not to get high. Websites are talking about a 70% success rate in eliminating stage 4 cancers.
When I get excited about sharing what I am learning, I remember that my prayer has for years been to "make me an instrument." I want my life to be used in service to others. And I wonder again if having cancer is an answer to that prayer. It forces me to learn new strategies and then I share them with you. There is such an overlap between my work for Healing Journeys and my work on my personal healing journey that I can't always tell which one I'm working on.
The upcoming Radical Remission workshop is definitely an example of that overlap. I have been excited about Dr. Kelly Turner's work since I first heard about her PhD thesis project of interviewing people around the world who have experienced Spontaneous Remissions from cancer. She found that there was nothing spontaneous about their remissions. They worked hard at it and she identified nine strategies that they all used. At the workshop on July 24 & 25, Dr. Turner will guide us through the nine factors and help us apply each one to our own healing journeys.
This workshop will be a very special event. Dr. Turner will be there in person this time. She lives in New York, has a young family, and wants to minimize her traveling. We will be filming her presentations at this workshop so we can offer it in the future with her being there by video instead of in person. If you want to experience Dr. Turner in person, this is the workshop to attend.
The free conference, Cancer as a Turning Point, has always been something I have created for my own education and inspiration, and you have benefited as well. I've heard from so many of you over the years how it has given you exactly what you needed at the time. I'm looking forward to that happening again in Denver this year. Please help us spread the word about this free event, and contribute if you can.
As always, I welcome your comments; to reply please click here.
In the Spirit of Healing,

Jan Adrian, MSW
Founder and Executive Director
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- We are very sad that the world has lost Dr. Jeremy Geffen. Jeremy was a great integrative oncologist and a great person. He was on the Advisory Board for Healing Journeys and a frequent presenter at our Cancer as a Turning Point free conference. Many of you have seen him there or read his books. He is greatly missed. You may read more about his passing here.
- Early registration for the Radical Remission: Implementing the 9 Healing Factors into Your Own Life workshop, with Dr. Kelly Turner live in person, is ending on Friday, June 26th. Approved for Continuing Education. More information here.
- We are excited that Jan will be a guest on the online radio show, Five to Thrive Live! on Tuesday June 30th at 4:30 pm PT. She will talk about Healing Journeys, and the upcoming Denver free conference. Tune in at on Tuesday, June 30th at 4:30 pm PT.
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Radical Remission: Implementing the 9 Healing Factors into Your Own Life
Workshop with Kelly Turner, PhD in person! July 24—25 San Mateo, CA
More Information
* * *
FREE Conference!
Cancer as a Turning Point,
From Surviving to Thriving™
September 12th
Denver, CO
More Information
Register Here
* * *
Awakening to a Deeper Relationship with Life
Retreat with Jonathan Ellerby, PhD
October 16-18
Westerbeke Ranch
Sonoma, CA
More Information Soon!
* * * CDs & DVDs * * *

Hope, Faith, & Transformation Guided Imagery for Healing
CD Created For Healing Journeys 20th Anniversary
More Information
Physical CD

The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen
DVDs of the Los Gatos, CA Workshop — Available Now
More Information
Jan's Blog
Jan shares her personal healing journey.
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