In this issue: (click to go to that section)
Director's Reflections — by Jan Adrian, MSW |
Dear Friends,
The Cancer as a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving™ free conference has been offered 31 times in the past 18 years. Because funding has been increasingly difficult to obtain, I don't know if we will be able to offer it again. This year is the year to attend.
The conference is not about curing, and it's not about any treatments we receive from a health professional. It's about what we can do for ourselves to activate our inner healers. It's about supporting healing, activating hope, and promoting thriving. Here's a sampling of some of the presenters you will experience at the Sacramento conference on September 8 & 9.
Lise Alschuler, ND, author of Five to Thrive: Your Cutting-Edge Cancer Prevention Plan, will present: Creating a Body that Cancer Doesn't Like — focusing on the most impactful ways to make your body inhospitable to cancer by highlighting the best researched diet, exercise, sleep, and dietary supplement anti-cancer strategies.
Nina Wise, playwright, performance artist, director, and cancer survivor has devoted her career to developing theater that addresses the complex relationship between body, intellect, and spirit. Her performance, Awakening in Bed, will help us laugh at ourselves and perhaps gain a new perspective for engaging body, mind, and soul in the healing process.
Marianne Williamson, internationally acclaimed author and lecturer, will talk about what it means to be spiritual beings on a human path rather than human beings who may or may not be on a spiritual path. And what does that have to do with thriving?
Kelly A. Turner, PhD, researcher, lecturer, and consultant in the field of Integrative Oncology, will tell us about her research focused on the "Unexpected Remission" of cancer. She interviewed cancer survivors around the world who experienced a remission that occurred either in the absence of Western medicine or after Western medicine had failed to achieve remission. She will share the commonalities she discovered in changes these survivors had made in their lives.
Glenn Sabin is a 21-year cancer "thriver" who created a comprehensive, integrative oncology approach to achieve a complete pathological remission of his CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia)—considered an "incurable" disease—without conventional intervention. He will describe what he did and what he learned about the power of integrative medicine.
Because music is one of the languages of the soul, a variety of music will be included in the two-day event. The conference experience is designed to address body, mind, soul, and spirit, knowing that all levels of the person must be attended to for true thriving to be experienced.
We will end the day on Saturday with Sacramento Taiko Dan, demonstrating the art of Japanese drumming, used for healing and religious ceremonies. Always an audience favorite, they will give an opportunity to anyone who wants to experience playing the big drum.
Karen Drucker, who has been called a master of communicating presence and spirituality through music, will close the conference on Sunday by performing some of her original inspirational songs, including chants that can unite our voices and our intentions.
If you aren't able to attend, you may still be able to experience some of the presentations because Backcountry Recording will be recording the conference. Recordings of Glenn Sabin and Marianne Williamson will be available only at the conference. Others will be available to order from the website afterwards. We'll let you know when the recordings are available.
See the full lineup of Presenters here.
In the Spirit of Healing,

Jan Adrian, MSW
Founder and Executive Director
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- We regret that The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen Workshop, scheduled for Portland, OR, on November 3, has been cancelled, due to lack of funding.
There are no other workshops scheduled, but you can get the information on DVD. The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen Workshop in Los Gatos, CA, was recorded on May 5, 2012. Learn more here.
- Reminder — the deadline to order lunch for the Sacramento conference is Monday, September 3rd. You are welcome to bring your own lunch, but people often tell us when they see the lunch at the conference that if they had known it was going to be a healthy lunch, they would have ordered. Click to see the Lunch Menu.
If you already registered and didn't order lunch, but would like to now, you may fill out another Registration Form. Lunch must be pre-ordered by September 3rd.
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Honor the ones you love by making a donation in her/his name to Healing Journeys:
Honor the ones you love by making a donation in her/his name to Healing Journeys.
Your donations to Healing Journeys help keep our Cancer as a Turning Point conferences free of charge for those who attend.
Please make a tax deductible donation today to support Healing Journeys and those who need the services we offer.
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FREE Conference!
September 8 & 9, 2012
Sacramento, CA
More Information
Program Schedule
Continuing Education
Register Now!

DVDs of the Los Gatos, CA Workshop — Available Now
More Information
November 3rd — Portland, OR
Cancelled — Sorry
Jan's Blog
Jan shares her personal healing journey.
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